COMMERCIAL TECH: NAME CW/HW: Review of Linear Perspective

CW/HW: Review of Linear Perspective
 There are TWO sides to this hand out! Please do BOTH sides!
 Use BOTH One and Two Point Perspective rules to do the follow tasks.
 ALWAYS use a ruler and a pencil.
 Please LABEL your HORIZON LINE and VANISHING POINT(s) where needed.
 Be as creative as you can!
 Please take it home to finish if needed, otherwise hold onto it until collected.
1. In the Box provided, create a Vanishing Point ON the Horizon Line.
Then, draw TWO forms ABOVE, BELOW and ON the Horizon Line with ONE Point Perspective
EXTRA CREDIT: Use the POWERPOINT on the website and see if you can figure out TWO POINT
PERSPECTIVE! In the Box provided, create a Vanishing Point ON the Horizon Line.
Then, draw TWO forms ABOVE, BELOW and ON the Horizon Line with TWO Point Perspective