JUDAISM/ISLAM/SIKHISMTerms to review for test… JUDAISM ISLAM SIKH Canaan c.2000bce (though Hebrew Calendar dates back over 5000 years.) Islam means “surrender” or “submission” followers of Islam called Muslims Arabia , c. 610ce Muhammad: not ‘founder’; he is considered greatest and final prophet. He did not try to start a new movement or religion; rather, he called people back to faithfulness to the right order of things: humans submission to Allah. - Creed:- Shahada: There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet Allah = the God Jesus is regarded as an important prophet second only to Muhammad Mary, the mother of Jesus, is also held in highest regard. Angels are important (Jibreel =Gabriel) Allah called Muhammad “to recite” – the words that came are recorded in The Qu’ran Qu'ran always read in Arabic (meant to be heard moreso than read) Divisions of Shi’a and Sunni originally came from disputes over who would succeed Muhammad Sikh= learner Guru = teacher Guru Nanak – 16th Century Punjab, India 10 Gurus, finally "succeded" by Adi Granth – scripture containing wisdom of the gurus; is the final guru--respectfully referred to as the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. /Chauri used to 'fan' Adi Granth. Shema "Hear O Israel, the Lord Our God is ONE" Greeting: "Shalom" Mezuzah Rabbi Temple/Synagogue/”Shul” Bimah Scriptures: TANAK (Torah is only 1st 5 books aka Pentateuch) Talmud Yarmulke - skullcap Tallit - prayer shawl with 613 fringes Sabbath on Saturday Rites of Passage: Briss; Bar/Bat Mitzvah Rosh Hashanah; Yom Kippur Emergent belief of Judaism: God is ONE (See Shema). Shift in consciousness: God has a PERSONAL involvement with us and through our life story. As stories in Hebrew scriptures describe people’s deep personal encounters with God (Think Abraham,Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel,Hannah, etc), we can hear God speaking to us in and through our experiences which help shape our life and the world around us.) Afterlife: Belief in "Life after Life" (heaven) Impt to bury body of deceased intact. Imam – leader of prayer “one who stands” 5 Pillars: Shahada/Salat/Sawm/Zakat/Hajj zakat=charity Mecca/Kabbah Mosque/Masjid Call to Worship by Muezzin "A Salaam Alaykum "– Greeting “Peace be upon you” Holidays: Eid-al Fitr;Eid al Adha/ month of Ramadan Green - impt color (life!) Friday afternoon prayer impt NO images of Allah or Muhammad allowed. Modesty important Monotheistic - Many names for formless/limitless God, most commonly used: Waheguru Sat=truth Sat nam= The name of truth Rejects caste system : Everyone is equal before God. Khalsa - community of equals Singh (lion)/Kaur (princess) 5 vices: lust; greed; attachment; anger; pride 5 K’s observed by fully initiated Sikhs Gurdwara (house of worship) Langar (vegetarian meal following Gurdwara service) Golden Temple at Amritar Afterlife: belief in reincarnation. Your disposition at the time of death can influence your next life. Being a human is most useful because you can use your free will to improve your condition. Goal is to END the cycles of reincarnation (samsara) and achieve liberation by union with Waheguru. This liberation is called MUKTI