
Global Studies
Judaism (pp 563-565)
Who was Moses? What did he do?
Describe the Hebrews covenant with God.
When was the kingdom of Israel founded?
Describe King David.
Describe King Solomon.
What was the capital city of the Kingdom of Israel?
Explain the diaspora.
What name is used for God in Judaism?
What is the Jewish holy book?
Explain the Ten Commandments.
Explain the ethical world view of Judaism.
What are prophets?
Christianity (pp 565-566)
Describe the background of Jesus.
What are the Gospels?
What is a messiah?
What is crucifixion?
Describe how the teachings of Jesus differed from Jewish beliefs.
What are parables?
What is the New Testament?
Describe the origin of the term Christian.
Which two missionaries spread the ideas of Christianity?
Why did the Romans persecute Christians?
What are martyrs?
Which Roman emperor converted to Christianity and ended persecution of Christians?
What is the main reason Christianity appealed to people?
Describe the pope.
What church is centered in Rome?
What church was centered in Constantinople?
Islam (pp569-570)
What were the two leading Arabian towns?
Explain the Kaaba.
Describe Muhammad’s background.
Describe Muhammad’s religious experiences.
Why was Muhammad forced to leave Mecca?
What is Medina?
Describe the hejira.
Describe Muhammad’s return to Mecca.
What is the meaning of the term Islam?
What are people who practice Islam called?
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
Describe each of the Five Pillars.
What is the Koran?
What is the language of the Koran?
What was Muhammad’s attitude toward Jews and Christians?
Describe the ethical beliefs of Islam.