The Rise of Islam (Chapter 10)


The Rise of Islam


1. We will be able to explain how Islam formed in the Arabian Peninsula.

2. We will be able to discuss the spread Islam after the death of Muhammad and the problems that emerged.

3. We will be able to identify and assess Muslim cultural accomplishments.



 Land is mostly desert

 Arab people are mostly _________________-look for fertile land

 Crossroads of three ________________________: Africa, Asia, and Europe

Mecca-The Major City

 Pilgrims come to Mecca to worship at the

_________________________, an ancient shrine

 Arabs associate shrine with Hebrew prophet _________________________ and monotheism

 Some tribes worship many gods and spirits, bring idols to Ka’aba

 Some Arabs believe in one ______________—Allah in Arabic

Start of Islam

 Muhammad-Born 570 CE o _______________ that hears message from Gabriel to carry word of


 Religion based on these teachings=___________--


 Muhammad and followers forced to flee Mecca to Medina (622 CE)-Known as _______________ o Muslims gain followers and returns to Mecca-Destroy idols at ________________

 Most of Arabia is Muslim after death of Muhammad in 632 CE

Sources of Authority

 Original source of authority for Muslims is Allah

 ________________—holy book, contains revelations Muhammad received from Allah

 Muslims follow ____________________—Muhammad’s example for proper living

 Guidance of Qur’an and Sunna assembled in body of law—

Links to Judaism and Christianity

 To Muslims, Allah is same God worshiped by Christians and Jews

 Qur’an, Gospels, Torah—contain God’s will as revealed through others

 Muslims, Christians, and Jews trace their roots to Abraham

 All three religions believe in heaven, hell, and a day of judgment

 Shari’a law requires Muslim leaders to extend religious tolerance

The Basics of Islam

 People are responsible for their own actions; there is good and evil

Islamic monument in __________________—Dome of the Rock (where Muhammad ascended to heaven)

The Five ____________________-Five Duties of Islam

 statement of faith to Allah and to Muhammad as his prophet (FAITH)

 pray five times a day, can use a mosque—Islamic house of worship (PRAY)

 give alms, or money for the poor (CHARITY)

 fast between dawn and sunset during holy month of Ramadan (FASTING)

 perform the hajj—pilgrimage to Mecca—at least once (PILGRIMAGE)

A Way of Life

 Scholar class, ullama, and teachers apply religion to life; no priests

 ____________________, means struggle to become better Muslim

Successors of Muhammad Spread Islam

 Caliphs (Successors) Guide

_________________ spreads by conquering lands-Caliphs tie together religion and rule o By ________________-spreads from Indus River to Atlantic Ocean

 Why Conquered Accepted Rule o Appealing message-Quran too o Avoid paying non-Muslim Tax o People of the book aka Christians and Jews accepted--could still prosper but not spread religion

Expansive Control

_________________ (750-1258) o Empire capital-Baghdad o Controlled: Iran, Iraq, C. Asia o Strong bureaucracy to rule over empire-Growth in Learning, Arts

 Controls trade-Europe to Asia

 Other Muslim _________________ (State that tied politics and Religion) o ________________ (661-750)

 First great Caliphate-Extends territory and strengthens central government o _________________ (909-1171)

 Controls North Africa, W. Arabia and Syria

Islamic Life

 City Life o Grand Cities with elaborate buildings o Baghdad approached 1 million in _____________

 Social Classes o 1. Upper Class-Muslim ______________ o 2. Second Class-Converts o 3. Third class-Protected people-Christ., Jews, and Zoroastrians o 4. _____________-Worked for freedom

 Women o Had more rights because of _____________ teaching-even education o Fades over time

Islamic Cultural Accomplishments

 Scholarship o __________________________________ (Baghdad)

 800s-Preserves and expands classical texts of Greece, India, and Persia

 Arts and Science o _________________-Art of beautiful handwriting used to glorify Allah o __________________________________________________________-Collection of fairy tales, parables and legends

 Math and Science o Math sets foundation for _________________ o Science see major advancements regarding _________________
