LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.C.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION – COMPUTER APPLICATIONS SECOND SEMESTER – April 2009 RI 18 CA 2800 - JAVA APPLICATIONS Date & Time: 20/04/2009 / 1:00 - 4:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks [[ PART-A Answer ALL Questions: 1. Define encapsulation. 2. What is meant by method overloading? 3. What are the types of exceptions? 4. List out the collection classes of util package. 5. What is JDBC driver? 6. List out the various mouse events. 7. Define proxy server. 8. What is a stub? 9. Define cookies. 10. List out various application components of J2EE. (10*2=20) PART-B Answer ALL Questions: 11. (a) What is a constructor? Discuss its properties. (Or) (b) Explain Method overriding with an example. 12. (a) Discuss about interface properties with a program. (Or) (b) Discuss in detail about Date and Calendar classes. 13. (a) Explain applet skeleton framework. (Or) (b) Discuss all the keyboard events with an example. 14. (a) Define datagram. Explain its classes and methods. (Or) (b) Explain RMI architecture. 15. (a) Discuss about session tracking API of servlet. (Or) (b) Explain the feature of application server. Answer any TWO Questions: (5*8=40) PART-C (Q.No 16 is compulsory) 16. (a) Explain the features and lexical issues of Java. (b) Explain passing and returning of objects to methods. 17. (a) List out and explain compile and runtime errors. (b) Define JDBC. Explain the steps connect Java with database. 18. (a) Describe about RMI creation, deployment and execution with an example. (b) With a block diagram explain J2EE Architecture ********** (2*20=40)