Fundamental Programming Structure in Java Work with data types Use the control flow constructs of the Java Language Write programs that read input and produce output Use arrays to store multiple elements of the same type Writing methods String and string Buffer Wrapper Classes Access Modifiers Packages Objects and Classes • • • • Understand the fundamental concepts of objects-oriented programming Understand classes Understand parameter passing in Java Interfaces & Abstract classes Inheritance & polymorphism Concepts Collections • • Understand the benefit of separate Collection classes and interfaces Become familiar with the types in the collections framework Exception Handling • • Exceptions Introduction Handling exceptions Generic Programming • • Introduction to generics Building generic classes, methods Database programming with JDBC • Introduction to JDBC • • Connecting to database Executing SQL statements Network Programming • • Working with URLs Client Server Programming Multithread programming • • Introduction to Threads Creating threaded programs GUI Development • • Introduction to Swing & Applets Working with GUI Introduction to Java 8 • All the above topics will have examples which will be worked during the session.