May Financial Systems Newsletter

Our website has a new look, click on the link below to check it out.
Change Management information can be found under Our Services, Change Management.
Forms, calendars and the monthly reports can be found on the website as well.
We are keeping the latest news regarding the Windows 7 project on our website.
The UMHS Health System will be upgrading operating systems from Windows XP to Windows 7
by the end of the calendar year. With some investigation we have found that our version of Brio
is not compatible with Windows 7.
We are getting close to signing a deal with Oracle for Hyperion Interactive
Reporting. We plan to share the details of the rollout plan in the near future.
Hyperion Upgrade is scheduled to begin in July 2013, with a go-live goal of December
2013. We are currently working on the project plan and will keep you posted on how this will
impact our users. We will also be providing a list of enhancements that will occur with the
upgrade. The upgrade will incorporate Hyperion Interactive Reporting as a replacement for Brio.
EPSI Cost Accounting application – A server/database/application upgrade is scheduled to
begin testing in July 2013, with a go-live goal of November 2013. We are currently working on
the project plan and will keep you posted on how this will impact our users. This upgrade is
necessary to make our EPSI application ICD-10 compliant. We will also be providing a list of
other enhancements that will occur with this upgrade.
In April, we started our Pilot Group for the UMHS Consolidated Project (Everest Replacement).
We have received good feedback from the group and have subsequently made many
improvements from the Pilot Group suggestions.
In conjunction, we have been piloting the UMHS Consolidated Financial Statement with
Financial Reporting. In April, Financial Reporting distributed the UMHS Consolidated Reports in
the April Financial Reporting package.
We are working on the Medical School Departmental Reports and our goal is to open these
reports to all UMHS user in late June.
Hospital Summary PASS 10/20 Day report has been retired.
Hospital Daily PASS Summary is available for this data. Observation Hours and OBS to IP
Admits are now available on the Hospital Daily PASS Summary.
When exporting Data Mart reports that contain charts (images) to excel, the chart will not show
in excel due to security policy that is applied on UMHS workstations. To include the chart on the
report, click on Print > Printable HTML > Right click on the image > Copy then Paste the image
into the excel report.
We welcome feedback regarding any information that you would find useful which we are not
including in our Newsletter, or training opportunities that you would like us to provide or anything
else you would like to see on our website.
Email your ideas to:
Medical School Reporting in the UMHS Data Mart
o Gross Payroll Register
o FTE Reporting
Medical School Operational Reporting –June
UMHS Data Mart – Users can sign up via MLearning (HFST-10011)
o June 19th 1:00 – 3:00 at KMS
Did you know we have an email group? can be
used if you have questions, issues or need assistance. This email goes to our entire team and
one of the team members will respond as quickly as possible.
The UMHS Financial Systems team provides the leadership and oversight for the suite of
financial products and applications used to support the financial reporting, planning and decision
making of the UMHS Finance Organization.
To serve as strategic partners in defining adaptive solutions to create efficient and reliable
financial systems. To support the UMHS mission, to be Leaders and Best.