Physical Science Fall Syllabus

Physical Science- Spring Semester (August-December)
Instructor: Mr. Burkhart- email:
Text: Prentice Hall Physical Science Concepts in Action
Coarse Objectives:
1. Student will gain valuable and accurate information about how science works
through the application of Scientific Laws and Theories.
2. Student will develop scientific reasoning and process skills.
3. Student will work in teams and independently and be able to evaluate his/her
Outcome: Student will…
1. Develop proper laboratory skills and presentation of scientific data.
2. Develop writing skills to show comprehension of learned materials.
3. Develop critical thinking processes and make value judgments regarding science
and technology.
Class Rules:
1. Do what is right
2. Do it when it is right
3. Do it because it is right
Grading Policy:
Your grade will be a result of the total points accumulated on tests, quizzes, daily
assignments, labs, and participation. You may lose points for behavior reasons or lack of
participation in any of those areas. The breakdown for your overall grade is as follows:
Assignments 30% (15% daily-15% homework), test and final 35%, labs 15%, quizzes
10%, and participation 10%.
Physical Science- Spring Semester (August-December)
Classroom Procedures for Success
1. Bring your book, paper, calculator, & pen/pencil (no red, pink, or crazy colors) to class
every day. Place book bags “ in front” of room. Only textbooks, folders, and writing utensil
on desk. Please be in your seat working (bell assignment) when the bell rings. I will keep a
daily record of any and all violations for you and your parents to see because this will be tied
into your participation grade. It is hard to lose points if you are here on time and prepared to
2. When I’m talking, please listen. Then, when you talk, I will listen: MUTUAL RESPECT.
3. It is always going to be okay to do your best, it will never be okay to interfere with
others right to learn.
4. Assignments are due as per my instruction!!
5. Please make sure that if you don’t understand something, ask me. My job is to help you
succeed in this classroom.
6. Copy the week’s assignments from the board into your agenda every Monday. That way if
you are absent you know what we are doing in class on what day. It is tied into your
participation grade. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. I will not track you down for
your absent work. The assignments are always on my demo table at the front of room.
7. If you know that you will be absent for any activity, it is your responsibility pickup your
assignments and complete them on time. NOTE: if you miss a class due to a school activity,
(track, play, band trip, etc.) you are expected to complete your assignments or take
tests/quizzes as if you were in the class (without extra days).
8. If you are absent on the day of a test, be prepared to take it the day you return. If your absent
the day before the test I will follow the school absentee policy,
9. Visit with me to set up a time to make quizzes as they are on the responder system.
10. Off limits, except to aides: my desk, shelves, and storage areas (unless you have my
permission )
11. When we do labs or other activities, safety measures must be followed. Expect partners to
be assigned from time to time or if certain work.
12. AGAIN be careful during labs. The equipment is expensive and requires your respect and
care. If you break equipment due to neglect, you will be charged for it.
13. Participation grade is a way of receiving bonus points for good behavior. This is the only
extra credit a student can earn in the classroom. All students start with 200 points at the
beginning of the semester. The only way to lose those points is to become a problem in the
classroom. That means being tardy, disruptive, forgetting proper materials, not participating
(sleeping) on the task of the day, and or excessive restroom visits (allowed 3). Most offenses
will cost you 5 points from your participation grade. Tardy's and extreme violations will
cost you 15 points. (4 tardy's will lower you participation grade to a 70%. I will keep a daily
record of any and all violations for you and your parents to see.
14. Students are allowed three emergency restroom visits. All other visits to the restroom will
cost 5 points per extra visit to the restroom. I will never tell you “NO”. Be an adult about it.
15. Late Work Policy: I will accept late assignments until the day of the test. NO
ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted after the test. It would be a waste of time at that point. I
will dock each late assignment in this manner: one day 10 pts, two days 20 pts, three day 30
pts, four days 40 pts, five 50 pts of total score on the assignments. Ex, if you score 80% and it
is a week (5 days) late the maximum score you can earn is a 40% on it.
Grading Scale: A
89.5%- 100%
79.5%- 89.4%
69.5%- 79.4%
59.5%- 69.4%
0%- 59.4%
Physical Science- Spring Semester (August-December)
16. BYOD- any electronic device brought into class are expected to be out, on top of desk, & turn
over (face down) until there comes an appropriate time to use them. Any phones under the desk
or in a students’ lap will be deemed inappropriate usage, collected, and turned into the office.
Tentative Overview:
Aug: Science Skills (ch.1)
Sept: Motion (ch.11)
Oct: Forces and Motion (ch.12)
Nov: Work, Power & Machines (ch.14)
Dec: Magnetism/Wave Energy (ch.21)
A. Bottled water only in class
B. Gum is okay if you keep it in your mouth and throw it in the trash when
finished. NO FOOD unless it is a “FRESH” piece of fruit or vegetable.
C. If you have a problem with another student see me immediately
D. Don’t even ask to go to another teacher’s room without a pass from that
teacher. Permission will still depend on what we are doing in class.
E. If you spill any lab material in your eyes let me know immediately
F. Put trash into its proper place, not under desks, on the floor, in sinks, or
G. If you wish to draw in spare time please use scratch paper not desks and keep
it appropriate for school (book covers will be allowed if appropriate)
H. If you think your going to be sick (upset stomach), get up and leave the room
and take a wastebasket with you just in case you don’t make it to the restroom
I. There are to be not head-phones or any other electronic devices.
A. Tornado Drill: Signal is repetitious up/down tone on bell system. Move to B30
inside classroom across the hallway. Sit with your head down protecting head and
B. Fire Drill: Signal is a constant ringing of the fire alarm system. Leave
immediately through outside door exit and move 200 feet away from building.
Reenter when the all clear signal is sounded.
C. Labs: Follow all lab safety instructions carefully and completely.
Mr. Burkhart went over the above rules/procedures on the first day of class (If I was
absent, he asked me to read these). I understand these rules/procedures and therefore
know what is expected of me.
SIGNATURE___________________________ DATE __________
My son/daughter has shown the above rules to me and I understand what is expected of
him/her in the class.
SIGNATURE___________________________ DATE___________