Territory: Orange and Osceola County Stakeholders: The following will outline the stakeholders affected by the implementation of this recruitment plan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Prospective Students (traditional & nontraditional) Parents Public & Alternative Schools Community/Business Partners Private School Representatives VCC Partners Recruitment Plan Fall 2010 Months: August - September October November -School presentations for Juniors and Seniors. -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -College Night. -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Attend college fairs and parent nights. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Attend Student Services Meeting -Schools presentation for Juniors and Seniors. -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -Counselor Day. -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Attend college fairs and parent nights. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Attend Student Services Meeting - Career Carnival December Events and Activities: -Send Transitions Newsletter. -Meet and greets with school representatives. -Provide counselor packs for each representative. -Post Valencia posters with visit date (s). -Replenish all career centers with Valencia information. -Provide College Night posters to all my schools. -Schedule school presentations. -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -Attend class assemblies to introduce Coordinators to all students. -Coordinate group visits -Coordinate previews. - Get schedule to attend Student Services Meetings at Valencia. -Provide Valencia departments with our Preview and event dates for the year. -Schedule community/business partners presentations. -Attend CFHEA fairs. . -Schools presentation for Juniors and Seniors. -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -Career Carnival. -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Must have visited all my schools at least once. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Attend Student Services Meeting Goals: Must have visited all schools in territory at least once. Communication: Send “Thank You” email or card after every school presentation and/or group visit. Use email to confirm, follow up, and respond to events and services needed. Meet with team to discuss semester’s progress. Marketing: Materials: Giveaways, Career Books, Search Pieces, AS Listing, and AS Brochures. Valencia section in the school newsletter for parents. Valencia posters for Career Center, AVID classrooms, and all community agencies. Relationships: Attend events where parents will be present (college fairs, open houses, parent nights, etc...) Stakeholders: The following will outline the stakeholders affected by the implementation of this recruitment plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Prospective Students (traditional & nontraditional) Parents Public & Alternative Schools Community/Business Partners Private School Representatives VCC Partners Recruitment Plan Spring 2011 Months: January February March April-May Events and Activities: -Send Transitions Newsletter. -Meet school representatives. -Provide counselor packs for each representative. -Post Valencia posters with visit date (s). -Replenish all career centers with Valencia information. -Provide schools with Bridges applications. -Start scheduling HS Application day. -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Attend Student Services Meeting - Application Day for Seniors -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -Coordinate group visits -Coordinate previews -Attend college fairs and parent nights. -Attend CFHEA fairs -Attend Student Services Meeting - Coordinate Go Higher Get Accepted: Presentation/ Event on Campus Youth Education Day - Application Day for Seniors -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -High School Feud. -Go Higher Get Accepted -Schedule group visits. -Organize previews. -Attend college fairs and parent nights. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Attend Student Services Meeting - School presentations for Seniors -Send “HS visit” email to students in our database. -Award Ceremonies. -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Send “End of Year Evaluations” to all school representatives. -Attend CFHEA fairs -Attend Student Services Meeting Goals: Must have visited all schools in territory at least once. Communication: Send “Thank You” email or card after every school presentation and/or group visit. Use email to confirm, follow up, and respond to events and services needed. Meet with team to discuss semester’s progress. Marketing: Materials: Giveaways, Career Books, Search Pieces, AS Listing, and AS Brochures. Valencia section in the school newsletter for parents. Valencia posters for Career Center, AVID classrooms, and all community agencies. Relationships: Attend events where parents will be present (college fairs, open houses, parent nights, etc...) Recruitment Plan Summer 2011 Stakeholders: The following will outline the stakeholders affected by the implementation of this recruitment plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Prospective Students (traditional & nontraditional) Parents Public & Alternative Schools Community/Business Partners Private School Representatives VCC Partners Months: May June July Events and Activities: -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Schedule community/business partners presentations. -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Pre-planning meetings. -Early Freshman Orientation. -Pre-Planning: -Counselor Day -College Night -Career Carnival -High School Feud Future Projects: Create a guide for parents on how to help their students be college ready (Assistant Director- Grace) Transitions Summer Camp Implementation: July 2011 Develop Valencia Open House -Coordinate group visits. -Coordinate previews. -Attend CFHEA fairs. -Pre-planning meetings. -Transitions Summer Camp -Freshman Orientation -Develop new recruitment plan for 2011-2012 Special Projects: Natali Shulterbrondt Nelson Sepulveda Group Visits Transitions Newsletter Thank you/ Summer Letter Career Carnival Lead LaTasha Holcomb International Student Recruitment Valencia Previews Transitions Summer Camp GHGA Lead Private School Preview HS Feud Lead HR Letter (CFHEA Fair) Youth Education Day Lead Key Areas: Key result areas for all strategies created to impact enrollment within my assigned territory. Measures: The measures will be specific and serve as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies related to this key result area. Communication: Events: Marketing: Relationships: -Responses received from school representatives requesting a presentation. -Collect “End of Year Evaluation” from all school representatives we served throughout the year. -Number of students attending events and contact cards received. -Number of visits and events scheduled. -Student attendance and number of contact cards received. -Campus visit evaluation at the end of each campus event. -Collect “End of Year Evaluation” from all school representatives we served throughout the year. -Number of attendees to all on and off campus events. -Number of contact cards and admission applications received. -Number of inquiries received. -School representative’s feedback from “End of Year Evaluation”. -Invitation to school and community events -Ease of communication with stakeholders.