Sterile Field Checklist: Infection Control & Procedure Guide

Sterile Field checklist
As this is a joint patient educator session your role will be to observe your peer’s
sterile field set up and ensure that sterility is maintained throughout the procedure.
Please give feedback to your peer afterwards about the following key points.
Infection control
Remove jewellery
Clothing not worn below the sleeves
Hair tied back
Personal protective equipment i.e. gloves and aprons
Waste disposed in the correct bin
Hand Hygiene
Correct hand-washing technique
Repeated hand-washing during procedure (alcohol gel)
Sterile field
Clean trolley
Surface of sterile field should not touched by hands or loose clothing (Open
only touching the outer corners of the sterile field)
When opening equipment onto sterile field, packaging should not touch the
 When putting on sterile gloves ensure that the hand does not touch the outer
part of the glove.
 If using the double glove method ensure that when removing the outer pair the
gloves underneath are not contaminated.
During the procedure
Make sure that any equipment used is disposed in the clinical waste and not
put back on the sterile field
Use one hand to touch the patient and the other hand to pick up equipment
from the sterile field. Do not change hands as this will contaminated the sterile