Minutes Members Present: Shari Shuman, Ann McCullen, Jay Coleman, Mauricio Gonzalez,

Space Committee Meeting
September 4, 2013
Members Present:
Shari Shuman, Ann McCullen, Jay Coleman, Mauricio Gonzalez,
Paul Mosley, Michael Kucsak, Carlo Fassi, Tom Serwatka (by phone)
Support Staff Present: Zak Ovadia, Dan Endicott, Everett Malcolm, John Yancey,
Elizabeth Jones, John Hale, Lance Taylor, Mike McGuire,
Angela Rivera
Project Timelines
 Elevated Parking Deck
 The University would like to add an elevated parking deck for Housing
students behind the Fine Arts Garage and Clubhouse. A 3rd and 4th floor
would also potentially be added to the Fine Arts Parking garage. Two
meetings have taken place with Baker Barrios Architects. The next meeting is
scheduled in two weeks.
Housing Clubhouse
 Construction is in progress and on schedule. Occupancy is scheduled for July
Interfaith Chapel at the Sanctuary
 A fee proposal has been negotiated and a contract is in progress.
Chick-fil-A Build Out
 Complete and operational.
Skinner-Jones Hall North
 This project includes programming for the north and south building and schematic
design for the north building. The RFQ has been published. A pre-submittal
meeting is planned in 2 weeks.
Aquatic Center Re-Purposing
 The pool will be re-purposed by filling it in for use as basketball /volleyball courts
for Recreation and intramural use. The RFQ is in process. Submission is
expected September 6th.
New Aquatic Center
 A new competition swimming pool is planned north of the Student Wellness
Complex. The RFQ is ready to be published.
Classroom and Storage Space for Army ROTC
 Major Jennison has requested a dedicated classroom space for military classes.
There are several maps and items that need to be in the space for many of the
military classes taught on campus. It is difficult to move these items around the
campus. A 110 classroom would be needed. John Yancey will follow up by
checking out the current classroom usage and also checking into how many
military classes are currently scheduled. He reported that they are currently using
2 classrooms in Building 9. Everett Malcolm estimated their need of about 450500 square feet of air conditioned space for storage of maps, uniforms and other
items. Tom Serwatka noted that the ROTC should schedule their classes in
conjunction with the other University classes which would help to use the
classroom for other classes when not in use by the ROTC. Also, by having the
same classroom times, the ROTC students could benefit by being able to schedule
non ROTC classes if they wanted. If a classroom is not identified for sole use by
the ROTC, Tom also suggested finding a space where there is a storage space
adjacent to a classroom.
Temporary Space in 10/1152 for UPD Substation
 The University Police department has requested a small office space within the
core of campus for use by their officers when writing incident reports. The space
requested in Building 10 may be dedicated to other groups. Jay Coleman will
schedule a walk-through of Building 10.
Confucius Institute
 The University will be formally withdrawing their application to house a
Confucius Institute as no confirmed decisions have been made.