Faculty Assembly Minutes Friday, April 5, 2013 Present


Faculty Assembly


Friday, April 5, 2013

Present – Carolyne Ali-Khan, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Jin-Suk Byun, Candice Carter, Terry Cavanaugh,

Richard Chant, Kim Cheek, Jeff Cornett, Larry Daniel, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick Eastham, Cassandra Etgeton,

Liz Gregg, Caroline Guardino, Wanda Hedrick, Chris Janson, John Kemppainen, Wanda Lastrapes, Jason

Lee, Marsha Lupi, Sophie Maxis, Catherine McMurria, Cathy O’Farrell, John Ouyang, Mary Rose, Otilia

Salmon, Elinor Scheirer, Rebecca Schumacher, Sherry Shaw, Lena Shaqareq, Robert Smith, Nile Stanley,

Carolyn Stone, Kristi Sweeney, Madalina Tanase, Claire Torres, Dawn Wessling, John White, Lunetta

Williams, Bess Wilson and Brian Zoellner.

Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 12:19 pm.

Minutes - The minutes of February 1, 2013 meeting, were approved as submitted.

Announcements - Marsha Lupi announced that the COEHS Ed Tech Coordinator, Nick Eastham, successfully defended his dissertation. He will go back to the University of Northern Colorado to get his doctorate degree on May 10, 2013.

Marsha Lupi thanked Madalina Tanase and Sophie Maxis for supervising the interns on this past March trip. She also thanked faculty who donated to or purchased from the rummage sale on April 2. The

London Interns made $1,000 from the rummage sale and they donated 10% of the profits to the

International Initiative fund.

The Spring Convocation Award Ceremony and Reception is the night before Commencement on

Thursday, April 25 with Commencement following on Friday, April 26. Patti Robbins collected information on the award recipients and sent letters to them so they can invite their families to the ceremony.

John White gave kudos to Kristi Sweeney for all the hard work she put into her students’ Resource

Development for Non-profits Project partnering with the JAX Muscular Dystrophy Association 2013

Muscle Walk that took place on March 23. They collectively raised over $17,000. Kristy Sweeney added that she would like to keep doing these projects so if faculty have organizations that are important to them, please let her know so she can spread the wealth.

John White announced that the Executive Committee is putting together a series of seminars for junior faculty to help them succeed at UNF and COEHS. Terry Cavanaugh will hold a question and answer session after this meeting by soliciting questions from faculty to find out what types of seminars faculty would be interested in.

John White reminded faculty that we will be selecting the Executive and Standing Committees at the first meeting of the year, so start thinking about where you’d want to serve. Faculty can’t serve on more than two Standing Committees.

John White suggested that faculty delete their old files off of the O drive because the drive is full. John also suggested faculty keep their eye on Senate Bill 904, the Florida Accredited Courses and Tests

Initiative .

Larry Daniel sent out a notice about a visit from Christine Dahnke, the new Executive Director of ESOL and World Languages in Duval County Public Schools. The lunch will be held on April 24 and RSVP to

Patti Robbins for the correct count for lunch.

Bylaws Update - Academic Affairs approved the bylaws and they will take effect August 1 st . They are posted under the COEHS/Office of the Dean’s webpage.

Madalina Tanase announced that FATE is joining forces with SRATE for the 60 th Annual SRATE

Conference this year in Sarasota, Florida. It is called “Teacher Effectiveness: Brilliance in the Making.”

Proposals are due May 1 st . Wanda Lastrapes announced that in conjunction with FATE, the CROWN region is hosting a conference in Jacksonville that is being co-sponsored by COEHS. The conference theme is “Exploring Students, Classrooms and Communities in the Practice of Teaching.” Please encourage your students to attend next Saturday, April 13 from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in COEHS.

Nick Eastham alerted faculty that the inventory scheduled for yesterday will be taking place next week.

Sherry Shaw announced that the Mid-South Educational Research Association will be having its annual meeting in Pensacola, Florida this November 6 – 8 and encouraged faculty to submit papers by July 15.

COEHS Policy Revisions - John White said the college policies were long overdue for revision (some last revised in 1998). Therefore the Executive Committee charged the Standing Committees to take a look at their policies. The standing committees then made suggestions for change to the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee checked the policies against UNF and State policies and either approved them or sent them back for changes. Seventy five percent of the committees are done, except for the

Personnel and Student Issues committees. Caroline Stone said the Personnel Committee is done and she will send the results to the Executive Committee. Faculty Assembly voted on the revised policies (to date). All but one were passed. Wanda Hedrick objected to the policy regarding internship and additional coursework, noting that the reading endorsement requires a course that many students need to take concurrent with internship and that respective program area faculty should be the deciding force on this rule. Jeffrey Cornett moved that we vote to approve all of the policies except the Internship policy. Caroline Guardino seconded it. The assembly voted and approved all of the policies except the

Internship policy. Wanda Hedrick moved that the Internship policy be discussed in more detail at the departmental, Executive Committee, and Leadership Team levels and be brought back for further discussion.

Standing and Permanent College Committee Reports

Standing Committees

Undergraduate Standards and Curriculum Committee, Cassandra Etgeton – The committee met on

March 27 and we are doing packets for APC. They made changes in policy and submitted them to the

Executive Committee.

Graduate Standards and Curriculum Committee, Dan Dinsmore – The committee met on April 1 st and reviewed the policies.

Personnel Committee, Carolyn Stone – The committee met to review policies.

Long Range Planning Committee, Candice Carter – The committee met about the strategic plan and will meet on April 9 th . Jeff Cornett added that Candice Carter does a lot of work in Faculty Association and thanked her for her hard work.

Student Issues Committee, John Kemppainen - no report

Technology Committee, Chris Janson - The committee reviewed their policies and the final meeting is this Wednesday.

Permanent College Committees

Executive Committee, John White – The committee met about the COEHS policy revision issues.

ESOL Advisory Committee, Lena Shaqareq - no report

Educator Preparation Institute (EPI), Betty Bennett – EPI is accepting applications for 2014 so if you know of anyone that is interested, please let them know about our program.

Accreditation Update, Claire Torres – The DOE accreditation team will be here in the fall; Claire gave a brief summary of what to expect during their visit. All the programs will be reviewed. The DOE group will review COEHS documentation prior to their one-day site visit. Dr. Torres needs to have a report and all the exhibits uploaded by the beginning of fall. We have to make sure the rubrics are in shape and the syllabi have to match.

Center for Urban Education and Policy, Mary Rose gave an update on the center.

They are developing an infrastructure for the center and have an internal and external advisory board which is now a joint board and convening with the Executive Committee.

The Center has been creating a strategic planning team with 23 members which involves internal and external board as well as the community, schools and students. They will help clarify the mission and goals of the Center and will help develop the roadmap for the center. B

Dean’s Education Advisory Council includes the Center as one of their strategic areas they’d like to support.

The Center is working on its website so that it will contain more information about our urban education programs.

Dean Daniel sent out an invitation for faculty to become “affiliated” with the Center. The purpose of affiliation is to highlight the work in our College and make it easier for the Center to connect faculty members with an interest in urban education for funding and research collaboration opportunities.

Mary Rose was invited to join the Long Range Planning Committee and to incorporate the goals of the Center with the College.

The school district will be having a Parent Academy this summer.

Kathy Hebda is coming to talk about the Teacher Evaluation Value-Added Model event at 4:30 pm at the University Center on May 21. Then on June 1 from 10 – 1 there will be a Public

Education Partners’ Rally in Metropolitan Park. These events are co-sponsored with the

Jacksonville Public Education Fund (JPEF).

The Center will be hosting a faculty oriented event around urban education in the early fall at the latest. If you have suggestions, please let Mary know.

Dean’s Report

Dean Daniel thanked Cassandra Etgeton for all of her hard work and service to COEHS. Dr. Etgeton retires at the end of the Spring 2013 semester. He also thanked Kathe Kasten and Marcelle Lovett who are both retiring. Dean Daniel also thanked Dr. Bob Smith from FSE for all of his contributions to COEHS.

Dr. Smith is resigning to assume a Deanship at Longwood University in Virginia.

Reviewed Budgetary Allocations

Budget—Summer 2013 and 2013-2014

Summer assignments have been made (or are being finalized) by departments. All F/T faculty are guaranteed one summer class per the CBA.

We have made requests to maintain the Visiting Faculty positions currently assigned to COEHS for next year.

We have also requested funds to offset expenses of three accreditation visits next year: FDOE,


We are currently seeking clarity as to the number of tenure track searches we will be able to conduct.

Legislative Session 2013

Larry Daniel will forward the Janet Owen legislative notes to faculty.

HB 863:

Revises provisions relating to state-approved teacher preparation programs, including allowance for “private providers” to offer programs

Revises standards and criteria for initial and continued approval of programs

Senate and House budgets both call for a state employee pay raise in the neighborhood of 3%.

Performance based funding for P-12 teachers is included in both Senate and House budgets.



General Revenue

Tuition & Fees







State Financial Aid




Reduction of Local Funding Initiative

Student Assembly Center/Performance Hall $4,999,673

Recreational Program Venues $4,999,672

Renovation of Bio Bldg 4 (Natural Sciences) $4,000,000





CAPE Funding (SB 1076)

Preeminent Universities Funding and Online University Initiative (HB 7057)

Senate Appropriations Committee has advocated pension reform that would encourage employees to select the investment retirement plan over the defined benefits (FRS) plan.


Board of Trustees has approved Promotion and Tenure Recommendations, including:

Dr. Sherry Shaw—Promotion to Professor with Tenure

Dr. Katie Monnin—Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
