Faculty International Travel Support Grant

I. Personal Information
Name of Applicant _____________________________________________________
Department ________________________________ E-mail Address_______________________
Phone Number____________________________
II. International Activity Application Information
1. International Activity/Course Name _________________________________________
2. Funds will be used for (please check one)
____ Development Trip
____ Student Study Abroad
3. Proposed Faculty Grant Travel Dates (beginning/end) ____________________________
4. Total Funds Requested (up to $1,250) ____________________
III. Contents of Application Packet
1. A completed and signed application form;
2. A one-page itemized budget and justification for each budget item;
3. Any supporting documentation (internet, e-mail, or faxed quotes) from potential partners in
host country;
4. Copy of CV (five pages maximum).
IV. Proposal Information
1. Why have you selected the particular host country indicated in your application as a site for
possible partnership and study abroad experience of COEHS students?
2. Have you already made contact with any professionals in your area of expertise in this
identified country? If so, please explain.
3. For both development trip and student led study abroad:
a. What is the anticipated number of UNF students to be involved in the program?
b. What is the potential impact of this program on students in COEHS?
c. How are you qualified to lead a study abroad program?
V. Evaluation of your application will be based on:
a. Well-thought out responses to questions in your proposal information
b. Creativity of the project
c. Clarity of budget (budget should be itemized and not summative)
Documents provided other than those requested above will not be included for Selection Committee review.
Applicant Signature __________________________________________ Date __________________
Department Chair Signature ___________________________________ Date __________________
College Dean Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________
Please submit an electronic copy of the application to
Amanda Laukitis, Assessment Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator, a.laukitis@unf.edu
Submission deadline is 5:00 p.m., Monday, November 16, 2015.
Awards are anticipated to be announced on Wednesday, December 16, 2015.