College Leadership Team Minutes May 9, 2012 Present

College Leadership Team
May 9, 2012
Present - Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, John Kemppainen, John Ouyang, Jennifer
Kane, Sue Syverud, Karen Patterson, Cathy O’Farrell, and Jeff Cornett
Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 9:36am.
Minutes - The minutes of the April 25, 2012, meeting were approved with minor corrections.
Announcements - Dean Daniel announced that he and Sue Syverud will be representing the
College at AACTE Day on the Hill in Washington DC.
Dr. Kim Cheek has accepted employment with us and is very excited about coming. Her
expertise is in science education and she has done international work. She will also work with
one of our PDS schools.
Cathy O’Farrell said that unexpectedly she will be replacing some of her staff in the coming
academic year. The replacement for the Duval County clinical instructor is Melissa
Omeechevarria. She brings a long history of working with our students and mentoring. Theresa
Wilcox, Clay County clinical instructor, is leaving us and we are in the process of replacing her.
Starlet Wilder is leaving. She will be replaced by 2 half-time visitors.
Dean Daniel said that we have extended the contract for Shari Little to two years. Because we
filled the elementary education position at the assistant level, we are able to bring Maurice
Graham back as a full time visitor.
We will proceed to fill the vacancies of our retirees for next year. The Dean will get our requests
prepared and sent to the Provost.
Claribel Torres said that the process for NCATE accreditation will not be the same as we know
it. A lot of data will be needed. We need to decide on which model we want to use transformational or continuous improvement. We will send representatives to attend the fall
NCATE orientation. After the NCATE orientation, a half-day retreat for program leaders and
chairs (possibly include all faculty), will be scheduled.
Marsha Lupi said that the convocation was very successful. We had a lot of compliments from
parents, students, and faculty. We are working on our annual Welcome Back Barbeque
scheduled in August.
We held a book sale a couple of weeks ago to benefit the Student Resource Center and
collected over $100. Dr. Lupi and Katie Meehan worked on writing a grant to purchase more
books for SRC. Faculty need to let Pat Hanford know when they are writing a grant so she can
get credit towards her productivity and initiatives. Even small grant awards count. We are short
of our campaign goals. Marsha will work with Pat for a way to standardize the process for
faculty to notify her when writing a grant.
Building Cleaning Schedule - Custodial services to the campus community have
changed. Through attrition, custodian staffing has been reduced, resulting in savings to the
university. Individual offices will be cleaned weekly instead of daily. Custodial staff will continue
to pick up trash daily, as long as the trash cans are left outside individual office doors at the end
of the work day. Classrooms, restrooms and all other common spaces will continue to be
maintained on a daily basis.
Email Access for Retired Faculty (follow up) – Dr. Lupi talked about email access for retired
faculty at a recent Associate Deans’ meeting. She found out, from the other associate deans,
that when Human Resources receives a terminating PAF the retired faculty member is
terminated and they no longer have email access. We will continue working on this issue
through Human Resources.
Course Repeats – Departments can put language into their programs that states that the
student has to pass a course to stay in that program. The student can take the course no more
than 2 times without a financial penalty. Dr. Lupi will follow up with Lynn Jones, CCB Associate
Dean, on the language they use for limiting the number of times courses can be repeated. We
need to think about mechanisms we can use for helping students to be successful. Chairs will
take this issue back to their faculty to talk about it.
Urban Internship Budget – The UI budget is on hold until we have the final word from
Academic Affairs on visiting lines.
Summer Enrollments – Summer enrollments are looking very good. Career courses for summer
b will increase our enrollment numbers.
Requests for Hiring – The positions we will be requesting to search on are as follows:
o LSCSM - 2 positions in educational leadership, 1 sport management (m/y)
o FSE – a math education position and a teacher education position (generalist)
Chairs have agreed to use faculty across departments if necessary.
Program Recruiting Efforts – The team talked about program recruiting. The discussion
included the following:
1. Prepare flash drives with program information and our logo to distribute at recruitment
2. Media and Marketing have offered assistance with paper brochures.
3. Social media is what is happening now. Marsha will talk with Nick about advertising on
4. What is the value of our programs and the degrees students receive? We need to
strengthen our urban focus. Do we need to have an urban education program?
5. What is the best way to package our programs?
6. We need to have more faculty out in the community. We need that direct influence
with the community.
7. We need a list of our graduates at the master and doctoral levels. Cathy O’Farrell will
follow up with Duval County for the number or percent of principals, assistant
principals, and district level personnel who are our graduates. Claire Torres has the
historical list from 2002. One third (out of 182) of our graduates working in Duval
County have been semi-finalists for teacher of the year. We will check high performing
schools and how many teachers are our graduates.
8. What are the admission requirements for graduate school? We need this defined.
Right now we do not know. 3.0 is the GPA to be admitted. Students can submit the GRE
to be accepted as an exception if a student does not have a 3.0. Advising needs to know
what each department’s program requirements are. We need clarification from the
graduate school on what is official policy.
Undergraduate Programs
1. Early childhood faculty have shared some ideas on what they would like to do for
2. Interpreting program faculty travel on the road for recruitment.
3. We need to continue to build relationships with the St. Augustine Teaching Academy.
There are 250 students coming into the academy in the fall - we have to try and work
with these kids to keep them in education.
4. We have to consider the first year freshmen experience (live on campus rule). We have
lost students because of this but this is part of the UNF package.
5. Consider asking John Yancey to attend an upcoming meeting and talk about these ideas.
The Dean will talk with Jeff Coker about some of this.
6. Invite Deb Kaye to a meeting to talk about enrollment data.
The Dean said that we can make visits to schools at the end of the day to attend school faculty
meetings to see if we can recruit students. Maybe get some representatives to attend district
meetings for teachers. The Dean has been working with the Schultz Center. Deborah Gianoulis
is very interested in working with us. We need to improve strategies of keeping teachers in the
workforce and improve strategies with leadership development. Can some of the professional
development monies from the counties come to us? We need to have something we are
offering that the districts really need. Duval County is looking to develop certificates in
mentoring. The Certificates of Participation is a good recruitment tool, although not too many
people use them.
Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 11:35am.