College Leadership Team Minutes May 23, 2012 Present

College Leadership Team
May 23, 2012
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, John Kemppainen, Jennifer Kane, Shari
Little, Karen Patterson, Cathy O’Farrell, and Jeffrey Cornett
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:33am.
Minutes – The minutes of the May 9, 2012, meeting were approved with a minor addition.
Announcements – John Kemppainen announced that Lois Dellar has organized a Jacksonville
Suns baseball outing on Saturday, June 9. Food will be served beginning at 5:00pm and the
game begins at 6:05pm. The first seventy-five minutes is all-you-can-eat hamburgers, hot dogs,
popcorn and soft drinks, plus a reserved seat for $16.95/pp. RSVP to Lois by Monday, May 21.
John said that the admissions criteria across campus for prospective graduate students are still
not clear. We need accurate information for our catalog. Marsha Lupi will contact Chad Learch,
in the Graduate School, for clarity. Graduate program area leaders need to communicate with
the advising office. Jennifer Kane said that the new policies and regulations are available on the
Graduate School’s website. The larger issue is the exclusion of the advisors. Marsha will send an
email to Len Roberson about John Kemppainen attending Graduate Council meetings.
Marsha Lupi thanked everyone for their scholarship reports. Before the next request in August
for 2011-12, she will send a list of reminders of what should be included in the report. There is
a difference between expertise, scholarship, and service. A scholarly presentation is to a
professional group and includes a vetting process. Conferences bring scholars together.
Scholarship is what the Provost’s office is looking for. Speaking at a school is better categorized
as service.
Every time a bookseller sends a note to the campus community, Dr. Lupi responds to the
bookseller immediately telling them that Follett, the University’s bookstore, has an exclusive
contract with UNF.
The Welcome Back Barbeque is scheduled for Wednesday, August 15.
Dr. Lupi updated the group on email access for retiring and part-time faculty. ITS requires that
employees who have no job or are not scheduled to teach the next semester, their access will
terminate after 45 days from their last term date of employment. If a part time faculty has
courses in the assignment table for the next semester, they will be excluded from the
automated termination list. For regular retirees (non-emeritus), the only option is to have their
email forwarded to their personal email account. If they come back and are teaching, then they
have UNF email for that semester.
Marsha will contact Rachelle Gottlieb in Human Resources to talk about department webpages
and updating information on faculty, adjuncts, and staff on the HR side. The Dean and Dr. Lupi
will bring this up to Lance Taylor at their next meeting.
On a positive note, the Florida School Counselor Association just announced that Dr. Carolyn
Stone will receive the Florida School Counselor Association’s (FSCA) Lifetime Achievement
Award at their awards banquet in November during FSCA’s Annual Convention. This is a welldeserved and very prestigious award, recognizing and honoring Dr. Stone’s contribution to the
profession of School Counseling throughout Florida and across the country. She is FSCA’s
second recipient of the award.
Cathy O’Farrell announced that all of the position openings in the Field Office have been filled.
Theresa Wilcox will be replaced by Diane Poidevant. Starlet Wilder will be replaced by Laura
Langton and Dana Eichorn.
Center for Urban Education and Policy - Dean Daniel updated the group on the status of the
Center for Urban Education and Policy. Dr. Imeh Ebong said that there is a slow-down in the
Board of Governors Office and things have been delayed, therefore, we have not gotten the
application back. We have had some conversations with people in the community about the
Center. We are hoping to get some funding for this. Jim Penrod has been assisting with this
Jennifer Kane held her first search committee meeting for the Director of Urban Education
Initiatives. They had 43 applicants when they met and out of that 43, 27 did not complete their
application correctly. The committee members made the decision to contact the applicants via
email to let them know what they had to do to complete their file. The search committee will
meet next on Wednesday, May 30. The committee consists of internal people along with some
strong community members.
Special Task Force on Clinical Education – The clinical education task force will meet on
Thursday, May 31, at 4:30pm. This group will take a look at the recommendations from NCATE’s
Blue Ribbon Panel Report on Clinical Preparation and Partnerships for Improved Student
Learning. The Dean met with Kristine Webb, committee chairperson, last week to talk about the
structure of the task force and what they will do. Recommendations will come to the Dean and
then be shared with faculty. Their work should be completed by February 15.
Accreditation Updates
NCATE – We received formal response from NCATE and the unit is meeting the standards with
no conditional meets. There are 2 areas for improvement- 1) create a formal group with COAS;
2) diversity of field experiences for the advanced programs only. We have to set policies,
document, and follow them. Go back to the BOE report to see what we are missing. Claire
Torres will check the report and identify them. The NCATE process is changing and this is one
way to transition into the model we choose. We need to revisit our conceptual framework. We
want to have clear progress in both areas that need improvement each year. Both areas can be
folded into the transformational model. By the beginning of the academic year we need to
decide which way we are going – transformational or continuous improvement. The formal
group with COAS will meet once a term. Dean Daniel will head it. Claire said that January 31 is
the deadline for the first round of documentation. The Dean will write something to faculty to
let them know what needs to be done and will also include the NCATE report; the Center for
Urban Education and Policy; where we are with the Clinical Task Force; a review of new faculty;
recent partnerships with the Schultz Center and Teach for America; and an update on the
superintendent search. Everyone agreed for the Dean to get a letter out to faculty.
FDOE/Matrix Development – Claire has been working with all of the departments on matrices
and has been giving feedback. Where there are still issues Claire has communicated back to
those chairs and individuals. The electronic version of the matrices in its most final format is
due so it can be posted online and facilitate incorporation into the fall syllabi. It is very crucial
when the state examines these matrices that the content in the matrices match and are
accurately reflected in the syllabi. We are in the queue to be considered for the pilot visits in
the next year. Claire said to think about the amount of time for her to build the Electronic
Candidate Assessment Tracking System (ECATS) from the matrices. The childhood education
has completed the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPS) matrix for the Elementary
Education program but Claire still needs to go back to the audit sheet to be sure everything
identified is taken care of. We have been back and forth with the core and some elements
(critical tasks) we are taking out because it needs to be defined accurately. However, there is
valuable content in the courses we can draw from if needed Claire continues to work with the
counselor education, Deaf Education and PreK faculties. Some of the programs in FSE are now
complete and she is working with the others. Everyone else is on the right track – the next step
is to align matrices with syllabi and develop matching rubrics. Be sure that there is a master
syllabus to follow to show consistency, Chairs and Claire will audit department master syllabi to
make sure they are correctly aligned with standards. Claire and Dean Daniel will follow up with
chairs if they need to talk further.
Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Program (CACREP) – Jennifer
Kane reported that they are still in line to do their visit in summer 2013. The counselor
education faculty are preparing and writing now. They are on track to do it. Mental Health is
postponing for a year. Not sure how or if it will affect the accreditation visit. The Dean would
like to join the counselor education program’s next meeting to know more about specifics. He
will talk with Pam Chally on how to coordinate the visits. They normally do the full institutional
review at the same time.
Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) – Jennifer said that they had hoped
to have a visit in January but they are pushing it back a year. They have made some good
positive changes and have started the e-portfolio this year. They are currently collecting data
and will have the visit next year.
Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education (CCIE) – Karen Patterson said that interpreter
education program is not accredited yet. They are about 3 years out.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 11:25am.