October 2013 FAM

Faculty Assembly Meeting
Friday, October 4, 2013
Present – Carolyne Ali-Khan, Betty Bennett, Stacy Boote, Jin-Suk Byun, Candice Carter,
Richard Chant, Kim Cheek, Luke Cornelius, Jeff Cornett, Larry Daniel, Daniel Dinsmore, Nick
Eastham, Francis Godwyll, Caroline Guardino, Katrina Hall, Pat Hanford, Wanda Hedrick, Ken
Hill, Warren Hodge, Newton Jackson, Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, Wanda Lastrapes,
Amanda Laukitis, Kosze Lee, Marsha Lupi, Sophie Maxis, Catherine McMurria, Cathy
O’Farrell, Debbie Reed, Otilia Salmon, Elinor Scheirer, Linda Sciarratta, Rebecca Schumacher,
Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Sherry Shaw, Lena Shaqareq, Nile Stanley, Carolyn Stone, Susan
Syverud, Madalina Tanase, Claire Torres, Kelly Turner, John Venn, Christine Weber, Dawn
Wessling, John White, Bess Wilson, Brian Zoellner and invited guests: Sam Kimball and Ajay
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 12:16 pm.
Minutes – The minutes of September 6, 2013 meeting were approved as submitted.
Search for New COEHS Dean
Dr. Ajay Samant from the College of Business is chairing the search committee for the COEHS
dean position. He thanked faculty for their time and help to identify the qualities they seek in a
dean. The first meeting is Friday, October 11 at 1:00 pm in the Academic Affairs conference
room and we plan to work on the position description. The composition of the committee is:
Karen Patterson, Jerry Johnson, Liz Gregg, John White, Richard Chant, Wanda Hedrick, Candice
Carter, Sue Syverud, Kelly Turner, Claribel Torres, Deirdre Meehan, Nikoli Vitti and DEAC
member, Danny Berenberg. The timeline is to get the position description done in a couple of
weeks. “By mid-November we will review applications then in January we will begin the
interview process. Some of the qualities we will be looking for are: academic credentials,
collegiality, fun to work with and comfortable to be around.” Email Dr. Samant if you’d like to
add to this and share your thoughts. Dr. Samant is not familiar with college-wide issues so he
will need faculty’s help on this. Please be reminded that due to the Sunshine Law, your emails
can be viewed by the public so be careful what you say.
Proposed Changes to General Education at UNF
Dr. Sam Kimball, Chair, General Education Council and General Education Task Force spoke on
the proposed restructuring of the UNF General Education Program. You can find his presentation
in your email. He introduced himself and explained why they arrived at this. He spoke about the
heart of the GE proposal, redefining the curriculum in terms of key intellectual capabilities
(competencies) in: communicating, thinking critically, reasoning quantitatively and thinking
scientifically. He also discussed the major benefits, a brief history, the implication, the changing
content of higher education, the emerging national consensus, programmatic benefits of
competency-based GE and potential political benefits. COEHS members can give feedback to
Sam Kimball by email and he will be happy to meet with them individually or in a group. He
thanked faculty for their attention and support.
Charges for and Report by Standing Committees –
A. Charge 1, Review the Bylaws, Article X, Section 8 for committee responsibilities,
especially if you have new members.
B. Charge 2, Explain member’s involvement of department in your committee’s business.
Clarify how they bring ideas from the department to the committee and then how the
committee will bring ideas back to the department.
C. Report of new or timely business for this month. If none, do not report.
Student Issues Committee, Francis Godwyll reported that the committee met and discussed a few
issues; such as, complaints from students that enter the building after 5:00 pm. Bathrooms are a
mess, no food or drinks available for purchase because vending machines aren’t stocked.
Marsha Lupi will check to see when the vendor makes deliveries and she has been told by
physical facilities that there are no custodial services after Friday morning due to staff cuts. They
won’t change this but Marsha will let them know your feelings about this. Betty Bennett added
that she complained about Outtakes being closed on the weekends and now they keep it open.
John Kemppainen suggested that this could be an opportunity for student clubs to set-up tables to
sell snacks. They have to go through UNF Student Services. Kelly Turner will take some of
these issues back to student government.
Executive Committee, Dan Dinsmore announced that the Executive Committee voted and
Candice Carter was elected as president of Faculty Assembly. Her election was ratified by the
faculty at this meeting.
Technology Committee, Caroline Guardino reported the committee will be meeting after faculty
assembly so please stay after this meeting if you are on the committee.
Other Marsha Lupi congratulated Wanda Lastrapes, Chris Janson and Carolyne Ali-Khan on the very
well-coordinated panel discussion about the Trayvon Martin case. Wanda Lastrapes shared a
summary about it and thanked everyone for supporting this effort. There will be an FSE
Development Committee at 9:30 on the 1st Friday of November where they will recap the
perspectives based on the complexities of this issue. Candice Carter suggested that someone
initiate or facilitate more events like this. She also mentioned that the Study Circles at UNF and
in the local community have been useful for implementing such discussions. The Jacksonville
Human Rights Commission has been the sponsor of Study Circles and Candice Carter has been a
facilitator of them across Jacksonville.
Dean’s Report Clinical Work Plan and RFP for Innovative Projects
 Open discussions sessions last week—over 30 attendees—suggestions and good
conversation around possibilities for the future.
 Amended work plan document sent out today via email.
 Email also included RFP for innovative project funding as attachment.
 Rubric has been added.
 Proposals due October 21, 2013. Electronic submission (email attachment to Dean) is
best format to use.
 Review committee will consider all proposals and make recommendation to the Dean
 Marsha or Larry can answer questions about RFP.
FDOE Review—November 17-19
 Initial Feedback from Review Team Chair—Team is very happy with our accreditation
site (portal) and the organization and quality of the documents.
 We hope to have offsite review feedback in 2-3 weeks.
 Dr. Torres and I will be putting together two Q&A sessions in early November.
 In the meantime, you may want to review the Accreditation Portal (in Blackboard).
 Competencies and Skills work in progress—all but two programs done.
Faculty Vacancies, Searches, and Requests
Searches are in progress for:
 Chair, CELT
 Assistant Professor, Physical Education
 Dean search will soon be initiated.
We have made a request for an additional search:
 Assistant Professor, Early Childhood/Elementary Education
 We have approximately 14 additional positions we would like to fill for next year. These
are due to a combination of vacancies that have occurred and positions we have filled
with temporary one-year visiting faculty. The University is looking at a plan for
converting positions of this type to more permanent positions. We will share more
information about this as soon as we receive it from Academic Affairs.
New Degree Proposals
 COEHS has requested “permission to plan” for three degree proposals:
 B. S. in Diversity Education
 M. S. in Sport Management
 Ed. S. in Educational Leadership
 Marsha Lupi will present these to AA staff and the collective group of UNF deans next
DCPS Teacher Fellowship Program
 Duval County has issued an ITN “invitation to negotiate” for a university partner to help
develop an urban teaching fellows program.
 Funding for this initiative is part of the Quality Education for All funding.
 We have previously had informal conversations with DCPS about this program.
 A small group is meeting to determine our response to the ITN.
Targeted Educational Attainment (TEAm) Grant Program 2014
Board of Governors has taken on three areas as “Targeted Program Areas for Development or
 Computer and Information Technology;
 Middle School Teacher Retention;
 Accounting, Financial Services, and Auditing
Middle school item includes:
 STEM-related middle school teacher preparation programs
 Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education
 Mathematics Teacher Education
 Science Teacher Education
 Biology Teacher Education
 Chemistry Teacher Education
The Board of Governors intends to fund 4 to 6 one-year grants that may be renewed for a second
year. RFPs will be out in November. Edythe Abdullah wants to assist us in applying for
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm and the next Faculty Assembly meeting will
be on Friday, November 1, 2013.