College Leadership Team Minutes July 18, 2012 Present

College Leadership Team
July 18, 2012
Present - Larry Daniel, Karen Patterson, Cathy O’Farrell, Marsha Lupi, Jennifer Kane, John
Kemppainen, John Ouyang, Jeffery Cornett, Claire Torres and Sue Syverud.
Special Guest – Ken Hill, Advisor in the Office of Academic Advising
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:31 a.m.
Approval of the Minutes –The minutes of June 20, 2012, meeting, were approved with minor
Reporting Systems for Non-Attendance in the First Class of the Term – Ken Hill reported that
we have had issues with students that have not been dropped due to non-attendance from the
1st week of class. Students believe they will be automatically dropped if they do not show up
that week.
Ken reviewed the University’s policy and reiterated that students have the responsibility to
follow-up with the instructor and the instructor should send an email to the Registrar to drop
the student due to non-attendance. A discussion took place and it was decided that Ken Hill
will send the policy to the chairs/directors to inform their faculty at their department meetings.
Announcements – John Ouyang announced that he is going to Mexico and asked that the CLT
meeting notice be sent to Nile Stanley. Nile is in charge during John’s absence.
Cathy O’Farrell announced that Jean Leone is the new office manager for the Office of
Educational Field Experiences and they are happy to have her. Cathy shared that she will be on
annual leave next week.
John Kemppainen was wondering if the change in the number of hours we can accrue for leave
time is now 250 instead of 350. Marsha Lupi will check with HR and verify leave time.
Marsha Lupi referred to the message in the Osprey Update that was sent out today about
advertising approval required by Marketing and Publications. Marsha will call Cathy Cole to
check on what this really means - formal brochures or emails and flyers?
Marsha announced that the Welcome Back BBQ is August 15 and the Mays Brothers are coming
back to cater it. Cathy O’Farrell added that her department is still providing the salads.
Summary of Recruitment Ideas for the COEHS – Marsha Lupi said that all the submitted
recruitment ideas were pretty similar and she reviewed the list of suggestions for the team. We
have some money not accounted for in the urban budget and we would like to allocate some of
that money to recruitment or marketing. We could either get a few large things or give an
allocation to each department. Marsha commented that the ideas she received were great and
a lot of these are doable as long as we have faculty/staff to do them. We would like to see
some of these go into action mode. It was agreed to give $2,500 to each department and the
advising office ($12,500 total). The Dean will request proposals from each unit to be due
October 1, 2012.
Satisfying Prerequisite Requirements in Teacher Education – John Kemppainen said that we
deny between 200-300 students each year because they do not meet the admission
requirements of GK or three lower level courses. It was suggested that this is worthy of “Ask the
Expert” and have John Kemppainen talk about admission at a Faculty Assembly meeting this
fall. Additionally a brief discussion took place on preparing students for their masters but not
necessarily with a teaching focus but to prepare them for further study of education. Marsha
Lupi will have one of the Dean’s Office student assistants check other College of Educations’
websites for similar programs that we could identify as a masters program for this group to go
into. In two weeks Marsha will come back with some possible programs
Larry Daniel stated that we recently had an APC proposal go through to require sequencing of
Introduction to the Teaching Profession and Teaching Diverse Populations. Although it is policy
now, we have identified a concern. Transfer students with AA degrees want to major in one of
our programs but they lack good advisement before they get here. They would have to linger
for two semesters to get those pre-requisites met. The dilemma is that the students are not
ready and we are likely to lose or delay them. Jeff Cornett suggested we allow them in but
make them go into identified sections of the courses. He spoke with faculty and Otilia Salmon
agreed to take them. It was agreed that we need to mentor them with faculty and advising.
We understand students have to take these two courses concurrently even though they are
sequenced. Some FSE faculty will interview majors and minors for more data as to why they
choose their major. Dr. Kemppainen said that Advising Office would be sure to help these
students understand the issues relative to taking the courses concurrently.
University Work Plan – Deans, Chairs and Associate Deans attended Provost Workman’s
Strategic Planning Workshop. At the meeting, the UNF work plan was shared. The work plan is
based on the goals of the BOG. A decision was made collaboratively by the deans to advance
the following three program constellations for further development: coastal studies, health and
biomedical, and commerce. It is hoped that all the colleges will be able to contribute to the
three constellations. There are concerns raised about how resources will be distributed to fund
the new constellations. In the short term, if funds are not available to our College, we may not
be able to do any hiring for 2013/14. There is a concern over our particular situation regarding
FTE and enrollment which drives resources. There needs to be greater recognition that COEHS
is severely restricted by the State and the DOE that impacts our numbers. Even though the plan
is for cooperation between Colleges and programs to ensure that we all participate in both the
constellations and the funding, there are implications that need to be addressed. This will only
work if people want to work together. The general consensus of the group is that there needs
to be more recognition that the largest employer is Duval County School District. Ideas of how
we could fit in to the constellations were suggested. We need more donor support and the
Dean is working with Pat Hanford to get more support. We should focus more on urban
education, STEM areas, and the economics of education. We should proceed with sponsored
credit proposals, and community collaboration.
Program Leader Responsibilities – It was agreed to increase the program leader stipends for
summer 2013 from $1,500 to $2,500. Cathy O’Farrell reminded everyone that the 13/14 budget
will have to include 5 RCFs so we may not be able to do this the following year. A program
leader for reading needs to be added so we need to approach a colleague to do this. Nile
Stanley is working in the short term to get the reading matrixes done but he is already a
program leader so he will not be the reading program director. We need to think about our
upcoming doctoral program director vacancy next summer and decide on how to proceed with
filling that position.
Urban Internship Budget – Larry Daniel reviewed the Urban Internship Budget with the team.
We have $41,946 unaccounted for so we will allocate the agreed amount of $12,500 toward
recruitment materials and split it by $2,500 per department and the Office of Academic
Advising. Chairs and Directors should submit a one page plan for their recruitment allocation
by October 1. Marsha Lupi and Larry Daniel will consider this at a future meeting. We want to
leave some extra money for unexpected expenses.
Student Assistant Manual - John Kemppainen asked the team to review the Student Assistant
Manual (created by Lois Dellar) within the next couple of weeks. Marsha Lupi raised a concern
and asked John to have Lois check on the UNF dress policy. John suggested that we have
General Counsel review the manual as well.
IPEP Summary of Findings and Response – This item will be held over to the next meeting.
Claire Torres received feedback on the electronic IPEP. The reviewers overlooked some of the
evidence we submitted. We also have concerns about the formatting of the feedback.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m.