Procedures for the Schools of Professional Studies I. The School of Professional Studies is made up of the Departments of Business, Accounting & Economics, Education, Equine Science, Health and Sport Sciences, Nursing, and Systems Engineering. A. All full-time faculty are voting members of the School. B. Each Department shall elect one student representative to the School to represent the department at School meetings. These elections must occur prior to the first School meeting of each academic year. Student representatives are voting members of the School. C. Elections to Senate committees that require School representation shall be conducted as determined by the Senate election schedule. II. The School shall meet as a body at least twice a semester in order to conduct the business of the school. A. Proposals for consideration at a School meeting must be made in writing and submitted to the School Assistant, one week prior to the meeting. Proposals submitted by the deadline will be on the agenda for discussion. B. The agenda for the School meeting shall be distributed to the membership 72 hours prior to the meeting. C. The quorum for a vote shall be forty percent of the School membership. D. The Dean of the School Professional Studies shall serve as the Chair of the School meetings. If he or she is unable to attend a meeting he or she may appoint a replacement for that meeting. III. These procedures may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the School. Updated 10/6/2014