Disease Warriors: Polio, Smallpox & Vaccine Resistance

Rx for Survival “Disease Warriors” Questions
health paper
Instructions-TYPE your answers to the questions worth 2 points each. Be concise
and brief. The paper length is a maximum of 2 pages. List the question, then the
typed answer under it. White paper, black ink, 12pt font size. Font type Calibri is
1. What are the problems/challenges in the polio and small pox campaigns?
What are the strategies used to overcome some of these challenges?
List 3 problems/challenges followed by each strategy to address the
2. What are the effects that polio causes in the body? How is polio spread?
3. What is “herd immunity” and “ring vaccination”?
4. Eradicating small pox is considered the greatest public health
accomplishment in history. This gave hope to public health professionals
that other diseases could be eliminated. What happened in the early 1980s
that caused some of the optimism to wane?
5. Why do some people resist vaccines? What can happen when people stop
Cooper sp 16