WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE Department of Emergency and Humanitarian Action WEEKLY UPDATE AFGHANISTAN 9 MARCH 2001 Mission: Dr Gro Harlem Bruntland, Director-General of the World Health Organization (Geneva) and Dr H. A. Gezairy, WHO Regional Director, Eastern Mediterranean Region (Egypt) visited Islamabad, Pakistan. In her speech at the inaugural session on a one day National Conference on Polio Eradication in Islamabad, the WHO Director-General stressed that the epidemiological block represented by Pakistan and Afghanistan is one of the major global virus reservoirs. The only way for Pakistan and Afghanistan to avoid polio virus exportation to other countries is to build on their own progress and achieve polio-free status as soon as possible. The two rounds of NIDs will be synchronised between Afghanistan and Pakistan to immunize every child even those on the move between the two countries. She added that we are closer to finally defeating polio today than ever before. The challenge of UN, NGOs and Governments in Afghanistan and Pakistan is to make it happen in 2001. Coordination A joint meeting of WHO and Mercy Corps International (NGO) was held at the WHO office in Faizabad. The participants discussed the Roll Back Malaria programme in Takhar and Badakhshan provinces. In another meeting of WHO, UNICEF, MOPH and Focus, the participants discussed the facilities in Badakhshan province. Focus agreed that with the assistance of WHO, UNICEF and MOPH, it would distribute CSB, sugar and edible oil to the malnourished children and mothers. Training: WHO conducted a training workshop of Health Information System (HIS) in Faizabad public health hospital for 27 health staff from the health facilities in various districts of Badakhshan province. Basic Development Needs (BDN): A WHO team visited Faizabad and paid a visit to Argoo and Yaftal districts. They selected these two districts for the implementation of the BDN programme in Badakhshan province. The team selected Technical Support Teams (TST), the Village Development Committee (VDC) and the Clusters in a big gathering organized by the people in the respective areas Also, a one-day orientation seminar on the BDN approach and implementation strategy was arranged for higher Government officials from different sectors including the Governor of Badakhsahn, the Directors of Public Health, Agriculture and Education Departments. They were familiarized with the advantages of the implementation of the BDN programme. NIDs: WHO in close collaboration with UNICEF, MOPH and other UN agencies and NGOs is preparing for 2001 National Immunization Days (NIDs). WHO offices in all eight regions of Afghanistan chaired meetings on finalization of NIDs action plans and how to reach hard to reach areas to vaccinate all children under five. Thousands of health workers, district administrators, vaccinators, social mobilizers and volunteers have been trained for this purpose. During the polio eradication campaigns in 2001, WHO needs the cooperation and assistance of all partners (UN, NGOs and Government) to ensure that every child is reached with oral polio vaccine in each of the three rounds in order to eradicate polio in the world and to make Afghan children safe from this crippling disease.