WebQuests: Infectious and Non-infectious Disease Disease Causative Organism Symptoms Treatment Mode of Transmission Prevention Unique Things About Disease Common Cold Currently, there is no vaccine. Antibiotics are not given for colds since bacteria do not cause them. Influenza (Flu) Each year the vaccine has to be changed since the strain of virus changes. Strep Throat Can cause heart problems if left untreated. Chickenpox Can cause severe birth defects within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Shingles can be a later reaction to chickenpox. Mumps Once contracted, a lifelong immunity is acquired most of the time. If an adolescent contracts mumps, the testicles or ovaries can © KC Distance Learning swell and become inflamed resulting in sterility. Rubella (Measles) If a woman contracts rubella during pregnancy, the following conditions can occur in the baby: growth retardation, mental retardation, malformations of the heart, deafness, as well as liver and spleen damage. Aspirin should not be used to treat symptoms. Aspirin can cause condition known as Reyes syndrome and can lead to liver failure and death. Polio has been eliminated in the U.S. and is on its way to being eliminated worldwide. Mononucle osis Polio (abortive) Paralytic type of polio Nonparalytic type of polio © KC Distance Learning Common Infectious Diseases Disease Causative Organism Symptoms Treatment Mode of Transmission Prevention Unique Things About Disease Athlete’s Foot With athlete's foot, you literally have a plant living on your skin. Ringworm Infection is not actually a worm, but has the appearance of one, which gave it its name. Tuberculosi s Once medication was discovered for TB, the control efforts were neglected and TB outbreaks increased. The U.S. is seeing a decline in TB cases. Once symptoms show up, rabies is almost 100% fatal. Death is slow and painful. Rabies Smallpox In recent years, smallpox has become associated with possible terrorist attacks because the population is no longer given vaccinations for © KC Distance Learning smallpox. Bird Flu Experts believe that if human transmission becomes possible, massive fatalities could occur. Lyme Disease Disease has spread since it was first diagnosed from the East coast to the West Coast. Malaria Malaria causes more deaths then any other disease in the world - one million people die each year. West Nile Virus First case in U.S. was 1999. More common in states in the Midwest with high humidity and mosquito population. The virus has been reported in 46 states. © KC Distance Learning