Import and/or Export a video file using iMovie

iMovie Import Options
To import a video in iMovie:
1. Go to the “File” menu, select “Import” and then “Movies…
2. Browse to your video file, select it, and click on “Import”
iMovie Export
n Optios
To export a video in iMovie, edit your movie as usual, and then:
1. Go to the “Share” menu and select “Export Movie...”:
2. Select the size that is appropriate for your needs. You can click the small “I” to the right of each size to see the bit
rate (Mbps) and the size in MB of the rendered file:
3. Export the video and then once it is finished rendering, view the file and see if the quality is acceptable. If the video
is “fuzzy”, you may need to choose a larger size when exporting the video. TaskStream allows a file upload size of up to
500 MB.