Ithaca College Faculty Council March 5, 2013 VIP Room, A & E Center Present: D. Birr, L. Black, J. Blumberg, J. Bonnetta, B. Bower, K. Breuer, W. Dann, S. Freedman, S. Grigoriev, M. Hall, C. Henderson, S. Howard-Baptiste, A. Kissiloff, S. Lahr, R. Lesses, C. McNamara, B. Murday, T. Patrone, J. Pena-Shaff, J. Pfrehm, P. Rothbart, W. Schlesinger, S. Stansfield, T. Swensen, D. Turkon Absent: D. Duke, J. Lapp, A. Monticello, B. Whitehead Excused: J. Harrington, S. Osterreich Guests: L. Chabot, R. Gearhart, M. Kelly, S. Knight (The Ithacan), T. Rochon, J. Rosenthal 1. Welcome and Announcements: P. Rothbart called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, and announced that there was a reporter from The Ithacan present. 2. Open Session: P. Rothbart asked for open session items. J. Rosenthal was present and in his role as a Faculty Council liaison to the budget committee, provided a review of his written report1 to Council members. The budget is available online. R. Lesses requested clarification regarding the sources of revenue for IC 20/20. M. Kelly responded that big-ticket items such as capital projects, endowed scholarships and professorships will be funded by revenue generated from the upcoming capital campaign. Further questions prompted P. Rothbart to suggest that given members have not had a chance to look at the report, further discussion about IC 20/20 revenues could be reviewed by the Executive Committee and put on a future agenda. J. Rosenthal stated that traditionally a motion is made to send this report on to the faculty. Motion: T. Swensen made a motion, seconded by J. Pena-Shaff. Vote: Unanimous. 3. Approval of Minutes: February 5, 2013: P. Rothbart presented the minutes stating that a different approach to assembling the minutes was taken, and asked if there are any concerns. Motion to accept the minutes made by T. Swensen. D. Turkon motioned to strike the word “has” on second page, second to the last paragraph, last sentence, to make the sentence grammatically correct. J. Pfrehm seconded the motion. P. Rothbart asked if there were any objections to amending minutes as stated. Hearing no objections minutes were accepted. 4. Chair’s Report: P. Rothbart reported that a Sakai site is now available to all Faculty Council members. Emailing of materials in parallel to Sakai postings will continue through the end of the spring semester. The goal is to move solely to use of the Sakai site for meeting materials distribution. The transition is being made to save time and resources. P. Rothbart recognized and thanked A. Kissiloff for his efforts in putting the site together. 1 Faculty Council Executive Committee has had an initial meeting with the President and the Provost to discuss various issues. Several more meetings have been scheduled, and P. Rothbart will keep Council members posted as the meetings progress. Document located on Sakai: Resources/Meeting Materials/March 5, 2013 Meeting Materials/budget13-14v3.doc 1 A Town Hall meeting was recently held, but not well attended. P. Rothbart will send out, via email and Intercom, the date for the next meeting (April 2, 2013 in Textor 101). There was some discussion regarding attendance and frequency of meetings; as well as concern about not knowing the location of the most recent meeting. It was noted that Tuesday meetings are not good for H&S faculty; and P. Rothbart confirmed he was aware of this, but room availability was an issue; however, next semester he will be very conscious of the Thursday timeframe in planning future meetings. The Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees position, currently held by J. Hamilton, comes up for renewal this year. P. Rothbart would like to have a series of names to present by the end of March. This is an important position. P. Rothbart is going to ask that this representative attend as many Faculty Council meetings as possible as ex officio so that this person can better represent faculty to the Board of Trustees. More information is coming in the next week or so. Other committee elections are coming up. P. Rothbart is considering putting out a note on the importance of committees over the next year or two. There is now a centralized committee listing, with membership, located at (link is available on Sakai site). This list is also available at the Provost’s site, via quick links; and it is a good place to start should anyone needs to contact someone. P. Rothbart met with the new Director of Academic Advising, Sally Neal. She has indicated that there will be formation of an advising center advisory committee. She is also planning to announce a schedule of events. 5. Degree Conferral Recommendation: Faculty Council was asked to review and approve the statement. P. Rothbart requested a motion to approve the degree conferral statement. J. Pfrehm motioned to approve. D. Turkon seconded the motion. Vote: Unanimous. 6. Provost’s Report: Provost Kelly updated Council members on the Homer Workflow Project. The Course Registration Override form will be the first form transitioned to electronic format, and will be beta tested in Park School (for Park classes only) as a means of testing the process. She hopes the electronic form process will be ready to go next fall across the entire campus. Provost Kelly stated there are no changes in who approves things, only the way in which approvals are conducted (from paper to electronic format). If issues arise with a particular form, where the differences between schools are so complicated, and/or conversations about changing the approval process are needed, there will be a different and much broader review before implementation. At this point, it is just a vehicle change, not a substantive change. Additional announcement will be made as things progress. Provost Kelly reported on the February Board of Trustees Meeting, sharing that from her perspective, conversations at the committee level were really outstanding. Members were really engaged in high-level conversation, and in very appropriate ways, that demonstrated their enthusiasm for the Ithaca College educational mission. There were also very good conversations around developments in IC 20/20, what is happening in the Center for Faculty Excellence, the first year 2 residential experience, and the good work going on in our classrooms with such things as the Ithaca Seminars and the new Integrative Core Curriculum. 7. Executive Session: P. Rothbart requested a motion to go into Executive Session. Motion was made by T. Swensen, seconded by C. McNamara. Vote: Unanimous. 8. Proposed Strategic Plan for Online Learning: R. Gearhart, Assistant Provost for Extended Studies and Online Learning made a presentation to Faculty Council regarding a draft strategic plan for online learning at Ithaca College. The draft outline2 was distributed to Faculty Council for the purposes of soliciting feedback on this plan to assure that the right issues, etc., are in the plan. R. Gearhart reviewed the committee’s charge, which includes identifying the right format for the Ithaca College environment and aligning this effort with IC 20/20 in a way does not harm the Ithaca College brand. Some discussion points included: Recognizing that online learning refers to a wide spectrum of activities; Using online learning to create/complement more semester away study options; Flexibility around blended learning; Supporting existing programs; The opportunity to use online learning to create new programs; Alignment of effort with IC 20/20 initiative; Utilizing online courses to alleviate oversubscribed courses (could assist in on-time graduation and retention efforts); Compensation for developing a course (and course content); and Faculty development and training related to using technology in teaching/learning. Some questions raised included: Do we have sufficient services available to collaborate with faculty regarding instructional course design expertise? Do we have a goal for the number of online classes we would like to make available? How do we know if we are successful? Has a campus survey to students been considered to gain broader student feedback regarding online classes? Will this be a centralized/decentralized process? Will the number of classes a student can take be limited over a semester, and/or their academic career at Ithaca College? P. Rothbart thanked R. Gearhart, suggesting they add their committee information to the Standing Committee information on the Ithaca College web site. 9. New Business: None P. Rothbart asked if anyone wished to present new business. Hearing no response, P. Rothbart requested a motion to move to Executive Session. L. Black made a motion, seconded by W. Schlesinger. Vote: Unanimous. 10. Executive Session Meeting adjourned: 9:00 PM Document located on Sakai: Resources/Meeting Materials/March 5, 2013 Meeting Materials/DRAFT_OnlineLearningPlan_forINPUT.pdf. 2 3