Ithaca College October 1, 2013, 7-9 PM

Ithaca College
Faculty Council
October 1, 2013, 7-9 PM
VIP Room, A & E Center
C. Barboza, D. Birr, J. Bonnetta, K. Breuer, P. Constantinou, M. Cozzolino, D. Duke, J.
Freitag, S. Grigoriev, M. Hall, J. Harrington, A. Kissiloff, S. Lahr, R. Lesses, S. Mauk, C.
McNamara, B. Murday, N. Ali, T. Patrone, D. Rifkin, P. Rothbart, J. Rosenthal, W.
Schlesinger, S. Seltzer, T. Swensen, D. Tindall, D. Turkon, R. Wagner, J. Winslow
Excused: C. Henderson, J. Levy, J. Pfrehm
Guests: M. Kelly, S. Neal, T. Byrd, Ithacan Reporter
1. Welcome and Announcements:
P. Rothbart called the meeting to order, and thanked everyone for attending.
Open Session:
3. Approval of Minutes: September 3, 2013:
P. Rothbart mentioned that there were a couple of typos in the copy circulated to Council
members; and these were being corrected. Hearing no proposed changes, and no objections,
minutes were accepted.
4. Chair’s Report:
 N. Ali was introduced as the newest Faculty Council member. She is replacing A.
Monticello as the part-time faculty representative for a term of two years.
 Honorary Degree nominations are being accepted. Anyone wishing to submit a
nomination should do so by the November 1 deadline.
 Town Hall Meetings: The first of two town hall meetings for the current semester was
held recently, and attended by 15-20 individuals. Next town hall is October 31st in Textor
 Reminder: Invitations from the Board of Trustees for an on-campus retreat on October
24th have been sent. All members of the Council should have received them. There will
be multiple opportunities to interact with the Trustees. Please be sure to respond via the
link provided in the invitation. There was a request to follow up with N. Pringle regarding
attendance expected in an effort to assure good attendance.
 In an effort to inventory existing committees (above the individual school level), P.
Rothbart continues to encourage people to submit information regarding committees that
currently exist. This will not only help with the shared governance conversations, it will
help improve communications.
 Faculty Council Executive Committee had a discussion on Intercom as an effective
source of communication. Intercom is being re-evaluated (presentation of), and he will
follow up on that as there may be a better way to get people to pay attention.
 Ad Hoc Advising Committee is being formed, and S. Neal will discuss later in the
 Shared Governance Research Task Force has formed and will have their first meeting
shortly. At that time, P. Rothbart will give them their charge. As a reminder, the January
1 deadline is subject to change should the task force find they need more time.
Members are: Howard Erlich, Vivian Bruce Conger, Jorge Grossman, Carol Henderson,
Karl Paulnack, and Linda Petrosino.
S. Seltzer shared that Prof. Emerita Shirley Hockett had passed away. M. Kelly stated
that D. Maley is working on an announcement.
5. Advising Center Update:
S. Neal updated council members on the last four months of activities, along with some of the
future work, of the Advising Center. Some of the highlights include:
 From 7/1 – 9/27, 451 students have utilized their services;
 A referral check sheet has been created and is utilized by student tutors for purposes of
determining when a referral to the Advising Center is appropriate.
 A check point survey was created and sent out to first-year students for the purposes of
identifying early on those students who could potentially be at risk. The survey went out
on 9/16. The Advising Center is currently following up with students identified through
the survey, to help them find resources and make connections.
 The Ad Hoc Advisory Committee has been formed. In addition to ensuring collaboration
across campus, the ad hoc committee will determine the need for a standing committee.
 There are several upcoming collaborative activities career services, alumni services, the
Registrar’s Office, etc.
6. Admissions/Enrollment Report:
7. Policy Manual Changes – Intellectual Property Rights:
T. Byrd from Legal Affairs presented the proposed changes to the Intellectual Property Rights
for Ithaca College (part of Policy Manual II). A comprehensive review of the policy, which had
not been updated since 2001, began in 2011. Addressing situations that haven been impacted
by significant developments in technology, the lack of definition of the term “employee” in the
policy, declaration of who owns content, conflict of interest, research misconduct, government
requirements, etc., resulted in the proposed changes. Following a significant number of
comments and discussion, particularly about the details of ownership of course syllabi/content,
P. Rothbart asked Council members to share the draft with their colleague;, and also to write
down questions and “what if” scenarios and send those to him. A future open forum on this
topic was recommended. P. Rothbart hopes that a FAQ will eventually be published to aid
people in understanding specific issues.
8. Parking Policy and Parking Appeals Committee Elections:
P. Rothbart circulated ballots and asked Faculty Council members to cast their votes for the
Parking Policy and Parking Appeals Committees, respectively. Members were invited to speak
regarding candidates. Ballots were collected and the results will be shared at a later date.
Update: David Korneich from Physics has been elected to the Parking Policy
Committee and Skott Freedman has been elected to the Parking Appeals Committee.
9. Gender Pay Equity Study Proposal:
P. Rothbart stated that the subject of gender pay equity had come up during the recent Town
Hall meeting. There do not appear to be any known equity issues, however, should the
question “should we take a look at this and find out?” was raised. After discussion and debate
on what information to look at, a motion was made:
Motion: Faculty Council requests that Human Resources do an internal
comparison using appropriate methodologies to determine if gender
inequity in pay for faculty exists on campus within a reasonable period of
Motion seconded.
Vote: Motion passed unanimously.
Motion: A faculty expert should be consulted by HR regarding
Motion seconded.
Vote: Majority opposed.
10. New Business:
11. Executive Session:
Motion made to adjourn.
Motion seconded.
Meeting adjourned: 9:08 PM