Download December 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Ithaca College
Faculty Council
December 3, 2013, 7-9 PM
VIP Room, A&E Center
N. Ali, C. Barboza, D. Birr, J. Bonnetta, K. Breuer, P. Constantinou, M. Cozzolino, D.
Duke, J. Freitag, S. Grigoriev, M. Hall, C. Henderson, A. Kissiloff, S. Lahr, S. Mauk, C.
McNamara, A. Moon, B. Murday, T. Patrone, J. Pfrehm, D. Rifkin, P. Rothbart, J.
Rosenthal, W. Schlesinger, S. Seltzer, T. Swensen, D. Turkon, R. Wagner, J. Winslow
Excused: J. Harrington, R. Lesses, J. Levy, D. Tindall
Guests: M. Kelly, D. Prunty, E. Smith, Ithacan Reporter
1. Open Session:
D. Prunty, Director of Campus Center and Events Services, and E. Smith, President of the
senior class, addressed Faculty Council for the purposes of getting input on a proposed change
to the Commencement Day program. The idea of having a faculty member carry the school
banners for each school into the stadium during the procession was presented; and ideas were
solicited from Council members on how to select each of the faculty. Council members offered
a variety of suggestions; and there was general agreement that it would be fine to make this
change. Ideas will be taken back to the subcommittee.
2. Approval of Minutes: November 12, 2013:
After receiving corrections to the minutes, P. Rothbart requested approval of the minutes.
Vote: 2 abstentions; 0 opposed.
Minutes Approved as Amended.
3. Chair’s Report:
 Committees List: A list of committees above the school level has been assembled. P.
Rothbart asked that faculty continue to email him with any known committees. This
information will be helpful going forward with shared governance; and there may be
opportunities to consolidate and/or eliminate duplicate/similar committee efforts.
Intellectual Property Rights: This discussion remains tabled as P. Rothbart has
requested T. Byrd reconvene the committee to address some of the specific issues
brought forth as a result of the October presentation.
Faculty Handbook Amendment Committee (FHAC): FHAC has provided a document
that requests a change to the title of the Provost to “Provost and VPEA.” Hearing no
opposition, P. Rothbart will move approval of this change forward.
4. Provost’s Report:
Provost Kelly announced the intention to move forward with an electronic reappointment
process. All of the individual’s information would be included, and it would be processed in the
same way as the overload/summer pay process that took place this past spring. Provost Kelly
reviewed how the process would work; all steps would occur electronically. People will have the
option to print out and keep a hard copy. Provost Kelly asked Council members to take this
information back to their respective schools, and if there significant concerns those should be
emailed to her.
J. Rosenthal inquired as to whether courts currently recognize an electronic form to be the
equivalent of a written form. While Provost Kelly did not know specifically the answer to this
question, citing the fact that several institutions have gone to this process, she suspects the
answer is “yes.” W. Schlesinger suggested that since this electronic format will speed up the
process, perhaps the contract process could occur earlier, giving the advantage to the institution
and department chairs. Provost Kelly indicated she would be in favor of endorsing such a
change; however, she prefers a two-stage approach, beginning with a move to the electronic
process, then revisiting this option, as this requires a larger conversation, handbook change,
etc. If significant concerns are raised by the faculty, please email her directly.
P. Rothbart inquired about the status of the First Year Reading Initiative, and the possible
change of requiring students to attend themed-related events; indicating that it appears this
transition may have already started. Provost Kelly indicated that work has begun with regard to
what the formal communication plan and timeline will be on this issue. Based on the feedback
received across campus, there appears to be strong support for moving to the six theme-based
events. However, there are a few more steps and conversations that need to take place; and
the First Year Reading Initiative in its current form will continue for next year.
5. Election of Member to Faculty Council Executive Committee:
P. Rothbart asked for nominations to replace D. Rifkin during her sabbatical for one semester
(spring 2014).
W. Schlesinger nominated C. Henderson
Seconded: T. Swensen.
Vote: C. Henderson was elected, by acclamation, as D. Rifkin’s substitute for one semester.
6. Faculty/Staff Benefits Committee:
P. Rothbart asked Council members for input on whether or not Council should reactivate this
committee. The policy description states:
“The Faculty Benefits Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Council. It is composed of five
faculty members elected by the members of the Faculty Council. Terms will be staggered to ensure
continuity of membership.
The committee provides advice with regard to types and levels of faculty fringe benefits. The committee
studies, reviews and recommends changes to existing benefits and/or proposed new benefits. The Faculty
Benefits Committee may hold hearings on proposed changes it recommends; may poll the faculty at large
concerning proposals for changes in fringe benefits.
Members of the Faculty Benefits Committee are members of the Staff and Faculty Benefits Committee.”
J. Rosenthal provided background and historical remarks. After some discussion, P. Rothbart
requested a straw poll regarding putting out the call to fill this committee.
Poll: 0 abstentions; 0 opposed. Unanimous vote in favor of putting out a call.
7. Requests from Campus Organizations to Present to Faculty Council:
For purposes of informing Faculty Council of his decision, P. Rothbart addressed the fact that
he receives numerous requests from organizations to address Faculty Council. Many of these
requests are not seeking input from Council; essentially, they are seeking a conduit to faculty for
purposes of advertising their particular program. P. Rothbart recommends to these groups that
they contact faculty via Intercom or talk to chairs of faculty meetings in the individual schools. If
any Council member hears concern about a group not being allowed to address Faculty
Council, it is because he is making the judgment about whether or not this is an advertising
effort -- which, in his view, is not Faculty Council’s purpose. If a group seeks advice from
Faculty Council, this will be treated differently. If there is any question, he will consult with the
executive committee.
8. New Business:
9. Executive Session:
P. Rothbart requested a motion to go into Executive Session.
Motion: J. Rosenthal motioned to move to Executive Session.
10. Other:
Upon conclusion of Executive Session, Faculty Council reported out the following motion:
Motion: In current and future budget discussions, Faculty Council unanimously advocates that
no employee shall suffer a decline in real income because of changes in benefits.
Vote: Unanimous in favor, no abstentions, no nay votes.
Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM