Download February 4, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Faculty Council
February 4, 2014 - 7-9 pm
VIP Room, A&E Center
Present: D. Birr, J. Bonnetta, K. Breuer, P. Constantinou, M. Cozzolino, N. DiEugenio, D.
Duke, J. Freitag, S. Grigoriev, M. Hall, J. Harrington, C. Henderson, A. Kissiloff, S. Lahr, R.
Lesses, D. Lifton, S. Mauk, B. Murday, T. Patrone, J. Pfrehm, P. Rothbart, J. Rosenthal, S.
Seltzer, T, Swensen, D. Tindall, R. Wagner J. Winslow, P. Winters
Excused: C. Barboza, C. McNamara, A. Moon, D. Turkon
Absent: N. Ali
Guests: M. Buck, M. Kelly, S. Knight (The Ithacan), S. Skopik
Open Session: None
Approval of Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2014:
A correction to the spelling of The Ithacan was requested. P. Rothbart discussed the fact that a
motion had been left on the floor at the last meeting and asked if anyone had any objections or
discussion regarding this motion.
Motion: D. Birr made a motion to approve the minutes.
Seconded: T. Swensen
Vote: Motion passed.
Chair’s Report:
 AAUP Membership – P. Rothbart has signed up for a membership in AAUP to assist in
the shared governance research process.
 P. Rothbart introduced M. Buck, Faculty Trustee. P. Rothbart emphasized that the
Faculty Trustee is not “the faculty voice,” but “a faculty voice” as a member of the Board
of Trustees. M. Buck described his role as a trustee and his approach to this position
and does try to bring the faculty perspective to bring to board discussions.
 Next Town Hall meeting is February 13th at 12:10 PM in Textor 102. P. Rothbart will
circulate announcement via Intercom.
 The Shared Governance Open Session is scheduled for April 17th from 12-1 PM in
 Final Grading Deadline – P. Rothbart has received a letter requesting for Faculty Council
to revisit the issue of final grading deadlines each semester. The Executive Committee
will discuss first and will then bring to the full Council.
 Webpage and Email – P. Rothbart would like to review the webpage to make it more
relevant and useful to faculty. He also proposed establishing an email account for the
Faculty Council Chair. This will provide continuity of information as the chair position
transitions from person to person; and will alleviate his email account from being
overloaded with emails. Council members approved.
 Reporters and Audio Recordings: P. Rothbart met with an Ithacan representative to
discuss the ability of reporters to record meetings. Additionally, he met with the reporter
before the meeting to review issues, etc. to improve the learning opportunity for
students, not to influence in any way the reporting process. For the sake of accurate
reporting, he was revisiting allowing the recording of meetings and asked Council
members if there were objections to this. Hearing no objections, going forward, Ithacan
reporters will be allowed to record the public portions on the meetings with the
understanding that said recordings are for purposes of accurate reporting and are
considered reporter’s notes, and will not be made public.
Faculty Handbook Amendment Committee – Faculty Council still has a vacant seat on
this committee. P. Rothbart requested a volunteer from Council to serve on the
Provost’s Report:
 Board of Trustees focus on educational excellence continues with the upcoming board
meeting in Los Angeles. Students in the Los Angeles program will be sharing their
experiences on experiential learning engagements at Ithaca College and their current
participation in internships. The second day, students will participate in a panel sharing
Ithaca Seminar experiences (all six themes will be represented). Provost Kelly
anticipates that these opportunities will continue and will help the Board understand the
unique nature of learning experiences at Ithaca College.
 Next week an open call for nominations of a Faculty Athletics Representative will be
forthcoming. Provost Kelly explained the general role of this person and encouraged
nominations; and self-nominations will be accepted. The President will select the
 Provost Kelly shared plans regarding filling the two administrator positions, Dean of the
Business School, and Associate Provost for Business Intelligence, that will be vacated in
June. An interim dean will be appointed for the Business School and a search
committee will be assembled. The Associate Provost position will be reviewed and a
plan of action decided after the Provost has had a chance to review the responsibilities
with G. Hector. This is to assure that everything is in alignment with ITS because of the
transition in the leadership position. Provost Kelly entertained questions from Faculty
Council members. Topics included a conversation about “Over Three, Under Three” and
how it is applied to the salary pool; and increasing the part-time per course rate for the
part-time faculty.
Faculty Handbook Amendment Committee Proposals and Discussion:
S. Skopik updated the committee on FHAC and made an appeal to Faculty Council to fill the
designated vacancy on the committee. He reviewed the process that the committee is
undertaking, including utilization of survey results, in the faculty handbook review. The
committee is about to undertake the process of reviewing, line by line, each section of the
handbook with the purpose of clarifying policies and providing consistency throughout the
handbook. P. Rothbart commended the committee for undertaking this task and thanked them
for their hard work.
Current Policy Manual Section Proposal:
Upon review, there was a request to add the word “or” to the last line of section (
Service to the Profession).
Motion: J. Rosenthal motioned to accept the proposal with the changed noted.
Second: D. Birr
Vote: 22 to Accept; 5 Opposed; 0 Abstentions.
Motion passed.
IC 20/20 Advisory Committee Election:
P. Rothbart distributed ballots with the names of those who are interested in this position.
Ballots were collected by T. Swensen. The votes resulted in a three-way tie for two the two
names to be submitted to the Provost. P. Rothbart will break the tie and report back on his
decision. One candidate subsequently withdrew his nomination, so the remaining two names
were sent forward.
Faculty Benefits Committee Election:
This is a five-member committee; and to date, P. Rothbart has received three nominees: J.
Rosenthal, K. Edwards, and C. McNamara. The committee will convene with the three
individuals, and P. Rothbart will continue to work on filling the other two positions. There was
no objection from Faculty Council in moving forward with this plan.
Preliminary Discussion: Assessment of ICC Faculty Experiences
Open for discussion was the assessment in general of ICC, and particularly faculty experiences.
After hearing concerns and comments from Council members, P. Rothbart will invite D. Johnson
to a future meeting to discuss the assessment of ICC.
Preliminary Discussion: Service Workload
P. Rothbart opened a discussion on the service workload and the number of College and
departmental committees seeking faculty membership. It was suggested it would be helpful to
have a flow chart of the committees in order to further evaluate streamlining and determining
which committees are necessary and valuable to the College.
New Business: None
Executive Session: None
Motion: J. Rosenthal made a motion to adjourn.
Vote: Unanimous
Meeting Adjourned: 8:58 PM