Name ____________________________________ Greek Mythology Review Sheet – Your projects, your work, your responsibility! The Basics Heroes Perseus Son of Zeus & Danae; slew Medusa Theseus Slew the Minotaur; king of Athens Ballerophon Slew the chimera Hercules Son of Z & Alcmene; 12 labors Jason Captured the Golden Fleece Odysseus Ruler of Ithaca; clever/cunning Achilles Great warrior; hero of the Illiad Aeneas Cousin of King Priam; father of the founder of Rome Gods and Goddesses Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty Eros God of love, Aphrodite’s son The Nitty Gritty – What else do you think is important? Research the details that you do not know. Everyone on this list will appear on the test. Zeus King of the gods; god of sky/weather Dionysus God of wine, fertility, & drama Poseidon God of the sea Ares God of war Hades God of the underworld Demeter Goddess of grain, plants, fruit Hephaestus God of fire and metal working Hera Queen of the gods; goddess of marriage/ childbirth Athena Goddess of wisdom, arts/ crafts, & war; protector of Athens Apollo God of youth, music, prophecy, archery, healing and the sun Artemis Goddess of hunting, childbirth, wild animals and the moon Hermes Persephone Monsters The Gorgon, Medusa Messenger of the gods, god of travelers, merchants, & thieves Goddess of spring and the underworld, Demeter’s daughter Turns men to stone The Harpies - were described as beautiful, winged maidens. Later they became winged monsters with the face of an ugly old woman and equipped with crooked, sharp talons. The Sirens ½ woman ½ bird lured sailors to death w/song Cerberus 3-headed dog guards entrance to underworld The Minotaur head and tail of a bull on the body of a man. The Chimera - three heads - lion, goat, and snake .Its body was also mixed: its front was a lion, middle was a goat, and its tail was a snake. It breathed fire Scylla and Charybdis - two sea monsters of Greek mythology situated on opposite sides of a narrow channel of water The Cyclops one-eyed sons of Poseidon Additional Notes: