11th Grade- Recent Presidents

Review for Test on 1945 to Present
End of World War II
 Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
 Containment
Bay of Pigs
 Cuban Missile Crisis
 Start of Vietnam War- domino theory
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
 Escalates war in Vietnam
 “Great Society”
Vietnamization- gradual removal of
American troops in Vietnam.
 Open relations with China
 Watergate
Camp David Accords
 Hostage Crisis
Reaganomics “Trickle Down Economics”
 Aid to Contras in Nicaragua- Iran-Contra
 Bombing Libya
Gulf War
 Civil Rights problems
 Humanitarian Aid to Somalia
2. McCarthyism
Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin
accused people in the State Dept. of being
Communist. Never actually found a single
3. Martin Luther King Jr.
Equality and desegregation
 Civil Disobedience and Passive Resistance.
 Influenced by Gandhi
4. Watergate
Break in at Democratic headquarters.
 Senate held hearings.
 President used executive privilege
 Supreme Court ruled he must turn over the
tapes (U.S. vs. Nixon)
5. Great Society
Compared to the New Deal
 Domestic programs: Medicare, Medicaid,
VISTA, Head Start
6. Cold War
Competition between communism and
democracy (USSR and U.S.)
 Space race, arms race, Cuban Missile Crisis,
Bay of Pigs, Korea and Vietnam
7. Korea & Vietnam
Korea- Communist north Korea invaded
non-communist South Korea (38th parallel).
Ended in a stalemate.
 Vietnam- Communist North invaded noncommunist South. Domino Theory. South
Vietnam fell to communism.
 Containment
8. Japanese Encampment
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
9. Foreign Policy
Containment- stop the spread of
10. Truman Doctrine, Marshall
Plan and NATO
Truman Doctrine- containment
 Marshall Plan- aid to Western Europe to
help them rebuild after WWII.
 NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organizationmilitary alliance to protect Western Europe
from communism.