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Southern & Eastern Asia History Study Guide

Name: ______________KEY________________________
Date: _________________________
southern & eastern asia
1) Which European country officially colonized India in 1765? Great Britain
2) What was life like for Indians under British rule? Indians were treated as second-class
citizens, faced discrimination and unjust treatment, did not have any role in the
British government of their nation
3) Why did feelings of nationalism grow in India in the late 1800s? Indians hoped for a
return to independence
4) Who was the leader of India’s National Congress in the early 1900s? Mohandas
5) What kind of protests did Gandhi believe would be most effective? non-violent
6) What is the term for the non-violent refusal to obey an unfair law? civil disobedience
7) After what war did Great Britain no longer have the resources needed to maintain control of
India? WWII
8) Which nation was partitioned from India and created for Muslims in 1947? Pakistan
9) What is the term for the control and possession of a territory by a military force of an
invading nation? military occupation
10) What is the term for an area in which weapons and military forces have been removed?
Why did the United States help rebuild Japan after WWII? trade and democracy
(prevent the spread of communism)
What two types of government did the US help to create in Japan after WWII?
parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy
Who oversaw the rebuilding of Japan (and also led the US forces in Korea)?
General Douglas MacArthur
What did the US help Japan develop to protect the rights of Japanese citizens
and limit the emperor’s power? new constitution
15) What was the name of the last Chinese dynasty that was overthrown in 1912 due to
widespread poverty and starvation? Qing
16) What is the term for a type of government and philosophy where everything is shared
equally and there is little private ownership; the government owns and controls almost
everything? communism
17) What is the term for an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are
determined centrally by a government? command economy
18) What is the term for a form of government in which the power is in the hands of the
citizens? democracy
19) What is the term for an economic system in which production and prices are determined by
unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses (also known as capitalism)?
market economy
20) Which 2 political parties emerged after the revolution and were involved in a civil war in
China? Nationalist Party & Communist Party
21) Identify each statement as pertaining to the Nationalist Party (N) or the Communist Party
e. C
Popular with farmers and peasants
f. C
Supported by the Soviet Union
a. C
Led by Mao Zedong
Supported by the United States
b. N
Led by Chiang Kai-shek g. N
h. C
Took control of China in 1949
c. N
Market economy (capitalism)
d. C
Command economy
22) What is the name for the 6,000 mile journey made by Mao and his 600,000 followers to
avoid capture by the Nationalists from 1934 -1935? The Long March
23) What was created by the Communist Party to grow China’s economy through improving
agricultural productivity and industry? The Great Leap Forward
24) What is the term for a group of people living together and sharing possessions and
responsibilities, which was part of the Great Leap Forward? commune
Why was the Great Leap Forward unsuccessful? Droughts, poor management,
government corruption
26) What program was launched in 1966 to eliminate opposition to Mao’s communist rule,
resulting in many Chinese people became fearful and distrustful of the communist
government? The Cultural Revolution
27) What is the name of the army Mao used to enforce the Cultural Revolution? Red Guards
28) Why did Chinese students hold non-violent protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989? To call
for great democracy including freedoms like voting, free speech, and a free trial.
29) How did the Chinese government respond to the protests? Soldiers and tanks opened fire
and killed hundreds.
30) What is the term for the policy of preventing the expansion of a hostile country or
influence? containment
31) What is the name for the Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one
nation would quickly lead to the spread of communism in neighboring countries? Domino
32) Who controlled the Korean Peninsula before WWII? Japan
33) After WWII, the Korean Peninsula was divided at the 38◦N line of latitude. The Soviet Union
set up a communist government in North Korea and the United States set up a democratic
government in South Korea.
34) Why did North Korea, led by Kim il-Sung, invade South Korea in 1950? To reunite Korea
under communism.
35) What is the name of the US President who asked the United Nations for assistance stopping
the invasion of North Korea into South Korea? Harry S. Truman
36) How did the Korean War end and what is the state of Korea today? China assisted North
Korea in pushing back US and UN forces; Korea remains divided into separate Communist
and democratic countries.
37) What nationalistic leader created the Viet Minh to revolt against French control in Vietnam?
Ho Chi Minh
38) After France withdrew from Vietnam, the country was partitioned into North Vietnam, in
which Ho Chi Minh established a communist government and received military support from
the Soviet Union. A democratic government was established in South Vietnam, receiving
military aid and training from the United States.
39) Why did North Vietnam invade South Vietnam? To bring the entire country under
Communist rule.
40) Who were the Vietcong? A communist guerilla movement made of mostly poor farmers in
South Vietnam.
41) What is the term for irregular military actions (such as harassment and sabotage) carried out
by small, usually independent forces? Guerilla warfare
42) What happened in Vietnam after the US withdrew forces in 1969? South Vietnam
surrendered to North Vietnam and Vietnam became one Communist state.