CPO 7 Steering Committee Minutes February 08, 2015 Fire station 68

CPO 7 Steering Committee
February 08, 2015
Fire station 68
Attendees: Kevin O'Donnell, Jeff Petrillo, Mary Manseau, Marty Moyer, David Shettles, William
Porkorny, Gregg Melanosiki, Megan Rutherford and Walker-Captain @ fire station).
Called to Order by Steering Committee Member Kevin O'Donnell at 07:00pm
Announcement that documents will be shared via google sheets. Letters produced by Corresponding
Secretary will be processed via Word.
January general CPO minutes approved.
Agenda Review
Agenda items:
Beth sent notice of meeting regarding parcel on west union Feb 24
County 2016 work program
(Walker-Captain @ fire station) talked about response times
BSD - Mary & Stacy working on letter
New elementary school
Marty talked about CCI study & Cedar Mills News
William talked about county future study & need for regional need
Salzmann - realignment
Issue discussions:
Mary – talked about code issue paper regarding sidewalk gaps
Sidewalks are based on code management involving property development (lots of record)
letter to cci – include ordnance work in issue paper
half street improvements – park development only in North Bethany / burden not on developers
/ out of community funds
work program – long range planning – opportunity to question set priorities / ex: school
urban planning agreement between cities & county / need to be watched and updated
ex – land planning between Cornelius Pass Rd & 185th / north of west union
letter on infill development
planning TTD costs for new schools need to included portables (new elementary)
residential construction pays for construction excise tax (help school construction projects)
cpo7 possibility to use the excise tax was to purchase land for schools
park (system development charges) are paid by school districts (could not the funds be used on
discussion about high school boundary changes
Springville petition – discussion about portables in school property
Springville road – signal going in @ Springville /Kaiser
Due to development Springville road is falling apart at a fast rate
Discussion about transportation future study – showing Kaiser as the future north/south
Need to time light at intersection of Bethany/Laidlaw
Everyone needs to give county feedback regarding future trans study
People who want developed are indirectly lobbing for a Hwy 30 connection
Draft letter regarding transportation to be developed
Gregg suggested to have county staff come to a general meeting to talk about futures study
Park district – is going to kill trails due to half street development in NB
Discussion about speeding and parking on Jose – road / (Springville k-8)
Cannot even put do-not-park signs around schools
March 2016 agenda:
Transportation Futures Study and how it relates to your CPO - Washington County Dyami
Valentine will present a brief overview of this effort and timeline, and then share how it relates
to CPO 7. There will be time for your questions and answer.
Active Transportation: "Q&A with Meeky Blizzard, Study Committee Member - Transportation
Futures Study: Meeky Blizzard, former congressional staffer for Earl Blumenauer and
transportation activist, will be sharing her perspective as member of the Advisory Committee
that has been reviewing various planning scenarios under the Transportation Futures Study."
2016 Work Program:
CCI letter on infill to be distributed to Steering Committee to determine level of CPO support for
this issue.
Planning for the "main street" in North Bethany with financial contributions from the developers
is being considered as a work plan item. We will discuss this issue when the draft work plan has
been released.
Meeting adjourned 8:51