CPO 7 General Meeting Minutes March 14, 2016 Introductions and General Announcements

CPO 7 General Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2016
Introductions and General Announcements
Jeff Petrillo called the meeting to order at 7:00. Jeff introduced Deputy Talbot. He is now wearing a
body camera. This is a 90-day test program for our Sheriff’s department. A levy will be on the ballot to
upgrade radio equipment. According to Deputy Hickey, crime is light. We still have a few package thefts
and other easy crimes. Please keep valuables out of sight and doors locked. Question regarding the
trees that have been cut along Springville Rd. They have been cut now so as not to disturb song birds.
Construction on Springville Rd. will begin within 18 months.
THPRD Westside trail segment 18 work will begin shortly.
This is our last opportunity to weigh in on the West Tualatin Mountains. Go to the Metro website for
this project before Thursday.
Transportation Futures Study and How It Relates to CPO 7
Dyami Valentine discussed how the study originated. What emerging trends will impact the future?
What is projected for population growth? They have put together data on an ageing population and
also needs of younger workers such as protected bike lanes. They are taking a look to try to determine
what our needs will be in 50 years. This study will not become binding policy. The data collected may
inform future planning decisions.
Q&A With Meeky Blizzard, Co-Chair of Study Advisory Committee
Build the community and then determine what transportation is needed to support it. How do we
preserve the farm land that we need to support a growing population? How do we provide better
options so people don’t have to be stuck in traffic?
On the website, there is a tab called “library” that has links to resources such as the county
transportation plan.
The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.
Marty Moyer, Acting Recording Secretary