Discussion Conclusion

This section must include the following information IN ORDER :
Discuss if the hypothesis has been proven or disproven.
Support this with DATA. Describes the relationship between independent
and dependent variable. Describes how patterns, trends, or lack of trends are
in the data.
Compare results from published data you may have discussed in your
Explains how experiment can be altered to increase reliability/validity. What
would you change and why?
Explain any sources of error and how they might be reduced (validity).
This section must include the following information IN ORDER:
Explain how your main findings can be applied to real world applications.
Why was this study important to the scientific community?
How will your findings impact society?
Provides explanations in easy to understand language with examples.
What possible future research or investigations should be pursued?
 These sections should be easy to understand.
 Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Introduction to Science Research
Discussion & Conclusion
 Conclusion states that the hypothesis has been
 proven or disproven
 This statement is supported by data. The
relationship between the IV and DV was
discussed and explained with specific data.
 Results were compared with results from
published data discussed in the introduction.
 Explains how experiment can be altered to
increase reliability/validity. What would be
changed and why?
 Explain any sources of error and how they
might be reduced (validity).
Real World Application
 Explains how main findings can be applied to
real world applications.
 Explains why this study was important to the
scientific community.
 Explains how findings will impact society.
 Explains possible future research or
investigations that should be pursued.
Avoided use of first person pronouns
Times New Roman font, 12 pt, double spaced
GRADE __________
Discussions and Conclusions
Overall the trend of lower benzene and toluene concentrations was very similar to
previous studies. As seen in a study conducted by Sanchez, Mas, and Ferrera,
biofiltration is an extremely effective method to reduce both benzene and toluene.
Biofiltration efficiency has also been seen in studies Morales, Revah, and Salazar.
There were many possible sources of error in this experiment. One involved the
escaping of paint thinner vapors when placing the garbage bag cover over the containers.
Since the covers were not placed at the same time it is possible that more vapors in one
container escaped than in another. Also, though the sealing process was performed quite
well, a faint scent of paint thinner could be detected meaning vapors did not stay inside
the container. There also was a possibility of miscalculation using the cross sensitivity
table. The raw numbers however did fit the trend. Regarding the bacteria culture, it is
quite possible that the bacteria did not grow as well as it could have mainly because of
the strength of the vapors and the time it was given to grow.
If this experiment was to be repeated, a better method of sealing the containers
would be used such as window caulking or some type of putty. Also, if the reduction
truly needed to be tested, readings before the soil was put in should have been taken to
demonstrate the rate of change fully. Additionally, the amount of time allotted for the
bacteria growth should be increases to 72 hours.
There are many other possible experiments to be conducted such as the effect of
biofiltration using a different bacteria culture on the reduction of harmful pollutants. Also
different chemicals could be tested to see how efficient biofiltration was a reducing
others. The effect of growth media on the reduction of pollutants could also be tested.
Additionally, the efficiency of an open biofilter chamber could be tested, where one
changes the overall shape of the biofilter to fit it to a pipe or chimney in efforts to create
an applicable device.
Generally, Group B. the experimental group had a lower concentration of both
benzene and toluene than Group A, the control group with an average rate of change.
These findings do support the original hypothesis shown in Figures 1-4. Additionally, all
data tables and graphs do demonstrate a very large gap between concentrations of
benzene and toluene in Group A and Group B. For example, the ending toluene readings
for Group A were 43 ppm while the final readings for group B were merely 6 ppm,
within the safety range. This is also can be demonstrated in the final benzene readings
where Group A concentrations were 8 ppm while only 0.1 ppm in Group B.
Further study in this field could open new doors to pollutant reduction. With air
pollution steadily rising, it is vital that a solution is found. Scientists worldwide are
searching for a cost effective method to resolve this global issue. With more research in
the realm of biofiltration, it is quite possible that a solution to this issue could be
discovered in the near future. Using biofiltration to reduce these harmful compounds that
plague the atmosphere such as benzene and toluene would reduce respiratory issues,
allergies, and certain types of cancer such as leukemia. The reduction of these
hydrocarbon compounds could also aid in issues such as global warming. Intensive study
in this field could solve many of society’s prime issues.