Science Grade Expectations Grade Expectation Sheet 2015-2016 Department: Special Education

Science Grade Expectations
Grade Expectation Sheet 2015-2016
Department: Special Education
Teacher: ___________________________________________________
Course: Science
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________
Classroom rules:
Respect yourself and others.
Give 100% at all times.
Be prepared.
Arrive to class on time. You must be in the seat before the bell rings.
Raise your hand.
Follow directions.
If you are absent, you are responsible to complete any missing work.
The students must bring the following to class each day:
Homework pad
A positive attitude
Homework will be assigned 4 times a week.
Grading policy:
Test/quizzes 65%
Homework 15%
Participation 20%
Extra help hours will be posted in the departmental office and parent contact will be
made as needed.
The department phone number is 539-9432. Voicemail number is __________
I have read the above requirements with my child.
Parent signature
Student signature
Home phone number
Cell/Business number (circle one).