Intro To Earth Science Contract

Intro to Earth Science
Student’s Name: __________________
Teacher: Mrs. L. Wirth-Eckl
________________________________ (Book#) ________________
Supplies for Class:
Red Binder, One subject Spiral notebook, Pens, Paper, 2 folders, Dividers
(Class work, Tests, Projects, Extra credit) and Index cards
*Bring all supplies to class everyday!
1. Assignments are found on the blackboard daily.
2. Homework’s are graded from 0-100%.
3. Missed homework’s will result in a 0. (You get one day to
make-up the work for a grade of 65%)
4. Homework will be a review of what we did in class or research.
5. Students are to make up work that is missed due to absence.
6. Every Friday there will be current events R.A.P. due. (Unless
told by teacher)
Homework will be 15% of your grade.
1. All of the tests/quizzes will be announced in advance.
2. Pop quizzes will not be announced.
Tests/Quizzes will be 65% of your grade.
Class Participation:
Class Participation will be 20% of your grade.
For being involved (Discussions)
For being prepared (notebooks, pen, paper,)
For positive attitude (Ex: Raising hand, tolerance for others)
Projects: In this course, there will be mandatory projects.
Other Rules that will lead in Success for this course:
1. Students must arrive on time and be in their seats when the bell
rings. Strive for good attendance. (3 Lateness= 1 absence)
2. Write and complete the Aim and Do Now in the first 5 minutes of
3. Student should be respectful to the teachers and peers.
4. 3 passes (Bathroom, water, nurse, and locker) will be allowed per
** There are no cell phones, or iPod’s allowed on during this class. **
** If your cell phone rings in class, the school policy states that the
phone will be taken and it will be given to you at the end of the period
or at the end of the school day. (If happens numerous times)
Class Decision Rule:
This Course requirement will be placed in the front of the student’s
binder for easy reference by parents and students. If you have any
questions or concerns, you can reach me at # 488-9532 or via e-mail at:
Teacher’s Signature _______________________
Student’s Name ___________________________
Parent’s Signature ____________________________________
Quotes and mottos to Remember
“Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is the
present and - that’s the gift.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt
is a fire from within. If someone else
tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will
burn very briefly.” - Stephen R. Covey
" Keep your head up, don't you give up, no matter what
obstacles you may face, you must always finish the
-Unknown author-