Rm 13 Ms. Leung Name:_____________________________________ Hour/Period ______________ Classroom Expectations

Rm 13 Ms. Leung
Classroom Expectations
Student signature
Name:_____________________________________ Hour/Period ______________
Be on time.
Enter the classroom quietly.
Go to your assigned seat immediately.
Write down essential question in your agenda.
Turn in homework and warm-up on Fridays.
Bring all materials and necessary work.
Pencils, pens, agenda, warm-up, and math folder.
Headphones and electronics put away.
Student signature
Use your time well.
Remain on task at all times.
Follow directions.
Remain seated unless you’ve been given permission to get up.
Student signature
Student signature
Respect yourself, classmates and teacher.
Show respect with your words and actions.
Swearing, teasing, talking back and bullying will not be tolerated.
Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
If you don’t own it, don’t write, draw or carve on it.
Wait respectfully and calmly for your turn.
Listen, stay seated and track the speaker when someone is talking.
Student signature
Classroom Procedures
Entering the classroom
Student signature
Enter the classroom quietly, sharpen your pencil and be seated.
Do not touch, kick or tap another student. Do not throw things.
Sharpen your pencil, get supplies or throw away trash before the bell rings.
Begin working on the warm-up.
Rm 13 Ms. Leung
Name:_____________________________________ Hour/Period ______________
You may not get out of your seat until permission is given.
You are expected to be seated and working when the bell rings.
Enter quietly and give me your pass or you will be marked tardy.
I don’t need to know why you are late. You are late.
You are expected to be in your seat and working until you are given permission to be up
Everyone is responsible for making sure all materials and supplies are put away properly.
Check the floor for paper and trash. Pick it up and hold it until your row is dismissed. Do not get up.
You do not leave until your row us dismissed. The bell is to remind me that you need to go. Rows will be dismissed
when the area is clean and all are seated and quiet.
For warm-up, be sure to write that you were absent so you do not lose points for an incomplete assignment.
See me before or after the bell for make up work.
Be sure to sharpen your pencils before the bell rings.
Always have extra pencils in case one breaks.
Do not get up to use the pencil sharpener during instruction time.
Raise your hand and get permission to get up to sharpen your pencil.
If you need to buy a pencil using Kino cash, please do so before the bell rings. I also would trade in a pencil with your
student ID, Agenda or your phone.
Get tissues before the bell rings, after instruction time or when you are dismissed.
Student signature
Clean up after yourself!
If you create trash, or see some on the floor, please pick it up.
Do not get out of your seat or raise your hand to throw away trash during instruction time.
Be the bigger person with the best character! If you see trash, please pick it up even if it is not yours.
Hall Pass
Once you enter the classroom, you are not allowed to leave. You have enough time between classes to go to the
restroom and get water.
You may not ask to leave the classroom for any reason during instruction time or during a test.
Student signature
Leaving class
Student signature
Student signature
Student signature
Student signature
Rm 13 Ms. Leung
Name:_____________________________________ Hour/Period ______________
You may ask permission once the class is working and instruction time is over.
You may not leave without a pass. You have three passes for a quarter.
12 Kino cash for a water pass
25 Kino cash for bathroom/tardy pass
1st warning will be given if cellphones are seen.
Cellphones will be taken away if they are seen or heard the second time.
Electronic devices – taplets, ipods, itouch, etc. – will also be taken away if they are seen or heard.
Student signature
The teacher will assign a seat to each student.
Always be in your own seat when the bell rings.
Let the teacher know if your desk sticker is missing.
SITTING ON THE DESK is not permitted for safety reason.
Extra Credit
Unfortunately, the purpose of extra credit is often misunderstood. It is not meant to be used by students who are
consistently underachieving in order to boost their grade to a passing percentage.
Therefore, the following qualifications apply to extra credit work:
Qualifying students must have at least a D for the quarter.
Anyone who has lower than a D, may do extra credit by coming in for help during lunch or after school.
Keep yourself informed about your grade by checking it on your portal. Do not wait until it is too late.
Extra credit work will be only offered after each chapter quiz.
All work will be due upon entering the room for class on the day it is due.
Late papers will receive 30% reduction.
Student signature
Cell Phones and Electronics
Student signature
Student signature
Late Work
Student signature
Rm 13 Ms. Leung
Name:_____________________________________ Hour/Period ______________
S et goals for yourself.
U nderstand that the habits you are forming in this class now will prepare you for the future.
C omit to doing your best work each day.
C heck your progress daily.
E xpect to be challenged.
Seek help by asking questions when you do not understand.
S ee that YOU have control over your progress.