2015-2016 Grade Expectation Sheet Students Name: ________________________________ PreAlgebra 7

2015-2016 Grade Expectation Sheet
PreAlgebra 7
Students Name: ________________________________
Mrs. Schoen
To achieve success in Mathematics this year you should practice and abide by the following:
Classroom Rules:
 Students are to arrive to class on time. If you are late 3 times your parents will be called. Any
further lateness will result in disciplinary action.
 Students are to be seated, with their homework on their desk, while working on the do now
exercise when the bell rings.
 Respectful behavior to everyone in the class will be demanded at all times.
 If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get class notes and homework assignments. If you
miss a test or quiz it is your responsibility to see me to come up with a time and location to make
it up.
 There should be no cell phones, iPods, or hats seen in the classroom.
Students MUST bring the following to class everyday:
 Loose-leaf binder to be used ONLY for math.
 Loose-leaf and graph paper
 Textbook (to be kept at home)
 Pens & Pencils (I suggest having more than 1 color pen…I like the one with the 4 in 1!)
 Scientific calculator is highly recommended (put your name on it!)
 Homework will be assigned at least 4 nights a week and checked daily.
 When absent, you will be responsible to show it to me in a timely manner to receive credit.
Grade Policy:
*This includes being prepared for class with the items mentioned above.
Extra Help:
I am available Tues & Thurs at 3 PM in room 333. Otherwise, find me in the math department,
which is Room 341. Additional extra help is available for students; all they have to do is ASK!
Contact Information:
 Please feel free to contact me at any time at the following number: 539-9426 (x5145). The best
time to reach me is between 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. or after school.
 You can email me anytime at Nschoen@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us
I HAVE READ THE ABOVE: _________________________________________
(Parent/Guardian Signature) RETURN FULL PAGE
Parent/Guardian Name (circle title then print name): Mr. /Mrs. / Ms. ______________________________
Home Phone #:_______________________________
Cell #:_______________________________________
Work #:_____________________________________ (Please include which parent)
Email (If checked daily):________________________
Do you have math enrichment? YES/NO