2015-2016 GRADE EXPECTATION SHEET Prealgebra 7 Students Name: ________________________________ Ms. Ennis To achieve success in Mathematics this year, you should practice and abide by the following: I. Classroom Rules: Students should follow all school rules. (No hats, no cell phones, no I-pods, etc.) Students should be seated with their homework on their desks and begin working on the Do Now when the bell rings. Every three lates are counted as a cut and will result in disciplinary action. Respectful behavior to everyone in the class will be demanded at all times. Participation, being prepared for class each day and daily classwork is required and will be reflected in marking period grades. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get class notes and homework assignments. All homework MUST be made up, regardless of reason for absence. If you miss a test or quiz, it is your responsibility to see me to come up with a time and location to make it up. II. Students MUST bring the following to class everyday: A 3 ring 1 inch binder to be used ONLY for math. Dividers: 3 sections in your binder (Classwork, Homework, Tests/Quizzes) Loose-leaf & Graph Paper Pens and pencils A protractor and a ruler A multi-subject planner to copy homework and assignments in *Scientific Calculator* (Recommended: TI-30XIIS) III. Homework: Practice problems will be assigned 4-5 times per week. Assignments should be labeled with name, date, and assignment. Questions should be written out and completed to the best of the student’s ability with ALL work shown. Late assignments are never accepted except in the case of an excused absence. IV. Grade Policy: V. Extra help: is available upon request. VI. Contact Information: Please feel free to contact me at anytime at the following number: (516) 539-9426 (x 5136). You can email me anytime at tennis@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us. Tests/Quizzes 80% Homework 10% Participation/Classwork* 10% *This includes being prepared for class with the items mentioned above. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE: ___________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) Student Info – Please complete the following so I can keep you updated. Previous Math 6th Grade Final Teacher: Math Grade: Guardian Name: Guardian Name: Contact Number: Contact Number: E-mail: E-mail: Note: The attached lab class will also be averaged into grade. Date: _____________