Document 15523070

North Hunterdon High School
CP Early American History
10th Grade
Anya Niznik
Course Description:
This course encompasses a more in depth survey of American history from colonization to the emergence
of progressivism in America. The role of the United States in the world is considered through the lenses
of historical, political, economic, socio/cultural, and geographical developments. The creation and
evolution of the American system of government and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship are
emphasized. Students will be expected to read for comprehension, analyze primary and secondary
sources, and engage in class discussions. Projects, varied writing assignments, simulations, research
papers and both formative and summative assessments serve to reinforce course concepts and
themes. Homework on a regular basis is an expectation of this course.
Each of you brings various talents into the classroom such as your ability to write, debate, act, draw,
recite, and etc. All of these skills will be called on during the course of the academic year. There will be
assignments that you will easily excel in because they call on your strengths. However, there will be
other assignments that will be a challenge for you and you will be expected to do your best.
Online Textbook: America: Pathways to the Present. Prentice Hall, 2007.
Course Materials: Must have the following on a day to day basis unless informed otherwise
Your chromebook must be with you on a daily basis. It is your responsibility to make
sure you have a fully charged battery. Failure to have your chromebook and/or having
your battery die will result in loss of credit for the project/assignment (teacher discretion)
You must have a binder/folder to organize all hard copy materials; including, graded
work, handouts, etc. Helpful for two reasons. (1) In case there is a mistake in the grading
for the quarter, you have a personal record to acknowledge the need for a change. (2)
Allows for a good bank of study materials that you can have with you at all times.
The “Triple P”:
Paper, Pencil, Pen...
Grading Policy:
In calculating marking period grades, each student will be evaluated on a point system. Each
assessment is worth a set amount of possible points.
Total Points Earned/Total Points Possible
The following will contribute to the student’s grade: tests/quizzes, individual and group
projects, class work, homework, and the mid-term and final examination.
Tests will always be announced beforehand; however, quizzes will not always be
Homework will be assigned frequently throughout the school year. Students will have
one day to complete unfinished homework assignments for half credit; no credit will be
given for homework thereafter.
If you are absent, you are responsible to get the work that you missed. Tests, quizzes, and
assignments missed due to absences must be completed within one week of their original due
date, unless otherwise denoted by the teacher. In addition, it is the student’s responsibility to
coordinate make-up test and quiz dates with the teacher. Any assignment that is missed will be
entered as a zero in in the grade book, until the time it is made up by the student.
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student proved guilty of such activity will
automatically receive a failing grade for that specific item.
Disciplinary actions are at my discretion. I will always give a warning to most behavior issues. After the
warning, I will ask you to go to the history hut. If that happens, you will serve detention with me after
school. Failure to serve my detention by the end of the week will result in going through the main office.
Movie Clips/documentaries:
Throughout the school year, I will use a variety of films to aid student learning. These films are used with
professional discretion and strongly assist visual learners. While some of the scenes may contain brief
moments of violence and profanity, students have always taken a great deal away from these lessons.
Sample of films:
The Last of the Mohicans (R)
The Patriot (R)
John Adams (HBO)
The Presidents (History Channel)
Night John (PG 13)
Lincoln (PG 13)
Alamo (PG 13)
There may be times where I will want to show another film/documentary that is not on this list. By
signing the syllabus below, you are granting me permission to use professional judgment on Movies that
may be rated pg 13 or R.
By signing this syllabus, I am agreeing that I have read and comply with the contents and expectations of
this class.
Parent/Guardian Signature: