March 13, 2008

March 13, 2008
12:45 – 2:00
Student Services Building, Conference Rooms A & B
Senators Present: Carol Adair, Yolanda Bellisimo, Michael Dougan, Ron
Gaiz, Erika Harkins, Robert Kennedy, Patrick Kelly, Arthur Lutz, Joe Mueller,
Sara McKinnon, Meg Pasquel, Radica Portello, Derek Wilson
Senators Absent: Ingrid Schreck, Blaze Woodlief
Guests: Renetta Early
Six Academic Standards Policies Ratified. These policies will go to the
Board for first reading: BP4100; BP4225; BP4226; BP4240; BP4250;
Four Academic Standards District Procedures proposed, discussed and brought
forward for action on March 20: AP4226; AP4240; AP4250; AP4260
I. Approval and Adoption of the Agenda. accept
II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes
Minutes of February 28, 2008. accept
Minutes of March 6, 2008. accept
III. Officers’ Reports
President: Written report attached.
 Discussion of procedure for referendum on Policy AP4021 - Revitalization
and Discontinuance Procedure.
o Voting: The ballots were sent to people’s homes but, as of this
morning, some people in the north counties have not received them.
Any faculty member who doesn’t receive a ballot should contact Sara
McKinnon who will provide one a replicate. Counting: The count will
take place Monday evening, or early Tuesday morning to have the
results ready for the Board meeting Tuesday afternoon.
o Request that we report the numbers of full-time and part-time
faculty votes. Arthur Lutz suggested that we could represent our
constituencies better if we knew their particular political interests.
Patrick Kelly argued that, although we do need to know the political
needs of each constituent group, we should give voters the choice as
to whether or not they wish to be identified. In any further, such
referendum, we will add a section at the top that gives the voters a
chance to identify themselves as full or part-time faculty.
Vice President- none
IV. Committee Reports
Curriculum: Derek Wilson. 3 courses moved forward for approval. Next week the
CC will vote for its new chair. The nominations are in. The CC will discuss
the compliance of current courses and the appropriate process for program
blueprints. Recommendations will be brought to the Senate on March 27th
for approval.
Academic Standards. None
Community Education. None
Governance Committees
 Program Review: Derek Wilson/ Sara McKinnon. Unfortunately, the Program
Review templates must be submitted without attachments because too much
material coming in on Monday could clog the system. The Program Review
Committee will ask people to sent attachments as hard copy for now. Later we
will have way to put supporting materials in accessible program folders.
V. Consent Agenda
VI. Action Items
Proposed District Policies:
 BP4100 –Graduation Requirements for Degrees & Certificates. Ratified. Goes to
Board for first reading.
 BP4225 – Course Repetition (applies to credit courses where a substandard
grade was earned) Ratified. Goes to Board for first reading. One opposed.
Senator Lutz objected on the grounds that the policy should include more
specific detail on exactly how many times a student can retake a course.
 BP4226 – Multiple & Overlapping Enrollments (applies to students enrolled in
two or more sections of the same credit course in the same semester) Ratified.
Goes to Board for first reading.
 BP4240 – Academic Renewal (conditions for student petition for review of
substandard performance) Ratified. Goes to Board for first reading.
 BP4250 – Probation (conditions of/for student probation) Ratified. Goes to
Board for first reading.
 BP4250 – Prerequisites and Co-requisites (for courses) Ratified. Goes to Board
for first reading.
VII. Discussion
Proposed District Procedures:
 AP4226 – Multiple & Overlapping Enrollments. The wording is awkward. This
must be reworded so that it’s clear to students that they have to finish a class
before they can take a new section of that class. After many attempts, the
Academic Senate advised using the exact language of Title V. Moved forward
as an action item for the March 20th meeting.
AP4240 – Academic Renewal (conditions for student petition for review of
substandard performance) Moved forward as an action item for the March 20th
 AP4250 – Probation (conditions of/for student probation) There is a problem of
inconsistent language after “grades” All these procedures must read the same.
The Academic Senate recommended using W I NC NP FW (Withdrawal,
Incomplete, No Credit, No Pass, and Failure Withdrawal). There was much
discussion about the “No Credit” designation since that is no longer allowed by
the State. The consensus of the discussion was that the designation should
stay in the policy because students’ transcripts from pre 2008 will still read NC.
Moved forward as an action item for the March 20th meeting.
AP4260 – Prerequisites and Co-requisites. Moved forward as an action item for
the March 20th meeting.
VIII. Public Requests to Address the Senate on Non-Agenda Items. None
IX. Adjournment: 2:00 PM
For questions or information concerning the Academic Senate, please contact
Carol Adair: X7367f