Dean s Council Notes January 23, 2014

Deans’ Meeting Agenda
January 23, 2014
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Deputy 301A
1. Program Assessment Patrick
No updates.
1. Proposal for Student Course evaluations (revised) CARRY OVER Patrick/Martin
Added a reference to the MAP as part of the rationale. Will go to meet and confer next week.
2. Common Course Outlines CARRY OVER Patrick
Reminder to contact departments that need to submit course outlines.
3. Tenure and Promotion Review CARRY OVER Martin
4. Naming and 80/20 programming CARRY OVER Martin
Reviewed process for addressing discrepancies
5. Professionalism and activities that promote/do not promote CARRY OVER Martin
Continued conversation about how to voice disagreements with civility
6. Scheduling Shawn Strong
What are the issues with scheduling? Course conflicts – students not able to find required courses as
needed to complete on time; prerequisites; no class times to allow for campus wide meeting and
7. Other
Summer course caps – reviewed decision process related to course enrollments.