Deans’ Meeting Agenda September 3, 2013 - 2:00 - 4:00 pm Deputy 301A UPDATES 1. MAP 2. International Day 3. Academic planning future programs AGENDA ITEMS 1. Academic Alumni Engagement Guest: Caroline Norelius, BSU Foundation Caroline joined us to start a conversation about what colleges are currently doing to engage alumni and discuss future ideas. 2. Institutional Research - Doug Olney Doug share undergraduate enrollment numbers from fall; of note, the number of returning undergrads was down 8%. IR will be joining Dean’s council on a regular basis to learn what kinds of data or assistance we need and to provide historical date for decision making. 3. Charting the Future Listening Sessions discussion - Lynn Carry over from previous meeting 4. Classrooms, buildings, and ownership - planning for the future - Jeanine ] Martin shared that Bill is starting an operational group to work on space and use issues. Jeanine and Lynn will start the conversation with Michelle about the scheduling process for classroom space, especially for courses that only meet a few times each semester. 5. Student Scholarship Event administrative assistant – Colleen Rachel Knutson has left the University so this position needs a new home. Options discussed included adding this to a part time staff person’s responsibility, hiring at GA or dividing the duties among the Dean’s assistants. Decided to bring all the OAS srs to the table for further conversation about the division of these tasks. 6. Equipment allocations this year (form from last year attached) - Patrick ATTACHMENT 1 This process for allocation this year will include assessment information in the decision to allocate funds. Fall deadline was move to October 15. Allocations will require departments to have completed 13-14 assessment plans. Matching funds from the Colleges are encouraged, not required. 7. Leveraged equipment funding (attached) - Patrick ATTACHMENT 2A & 2B The legislature is providing leveraged equipment funding for FY2015. Matching contributions are required. Foundation dollars/donations should count. 8. Assessment reminder - Patrick ATTACHMENT 3 Deans were asked to help get all programs up to date (have 13-14 plans submitted) by the end of the week. Patrick will send updated lists as he receives new plans. 9. Academic planning future programs Need to determine capacity in current academic programs as well as any new program ideas. Estimates are needed for planning and should be based on current staffing levels. 3 years out. 10. SEMP Task Information from number 9 needed for this group. 11. McNair update Still available student slots to fill. Patrick will get info from Kelly to share about student requirements. 12. Executive leadership team update President and VP’s meet weekly. 13. Meet and confer update 14. Promotion and tenure expectations 15. Other NEXT MEETING: SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 - 2-4 PM