Deans’ Meeting Agenda February 4, 2014 2:00 - 4:00 pm Deputy 301A AGENDA ITEMS 1. Institutional Research (Doug Olney) Doug shared retention and grad rates for first time freshman – fall to spring, fall to fall and 4, 5 and 6 year graduation rates. Correlation between retention for fall to spring and fall to fall and graduation rate. Also shared fall to fall retention and 6 year graduation rates for conditional and regular admits. How can faculty impact retention? What do we do at BSU, in relation to best practices? Suggestion to identify 2-3 things we do each year to determine impact. i.e. EARS, re-recruiting phone calls, intrusive advising. Bring suggestions to SEMP committee. Offer courses within majors in the first two years. FYE courses – academic preparation vs phased orientation. 2. University scheduling - consultant / lab/faculty / room ownership / civility (Jeanine / Jim / Shawn / Michelle Frenzel) Darrell Harris – consultant. Met via phone last week. Some inefficiencies in the current schedule. Interest in piloting a component of schedule change suggestions with a department vs university wide suggestions. Need to define the problem; is it because students are not able to complete in time, or related to room scheduling, etc. Concern about how rooms are scheduled – building by building. Pilot schedule updates in one or two colleges; request 2 and 4 year course rotations for departments. Consider moving towards centralized scheduling – college vs University? Need to make sure sequenced courses are available when needed. Possible mockup of university wide schedule approach to add efficiencies into course schedule for students. 3. College Bottom Dollars Attachment #1 (Patrick) Request is larger than AA budget for next year. Suggested that colleges need some funding available for innovation and ideas to engage faculty and students. Perhaps set a baseline for summer profits and create a plan to have profits above past summer numbers be used for this purpose. 4. Tenure & Promotion Review (Martin) Hold 5. 3000/5000 course set up and ARR course requests as they relate to D2L (Lynn) Hold 6. Board of Trustees Metro Baccalaureate final Attachment #2 (Martin) Hold 7. 2014 Academic and Student Affairs Awards Attachment #3 (Martin) Hold 8. Support staff discussion - 4 attachments Attachment #4-7 (Jeanine) Hold 9. Summary of positions/budget Attachment #8 (Martin) Reviewed new faculty positions for next year. Highlighted those which are included in the MAP. Review for accuracy. 10. Load reports (Patrick) Have been forwarded to deans; get them back to Patrick as soon as possible. 11. Assessment Coordinators (Patrick) Hold 12. Proposal for an additional FasTrack probationary position Attachment #9 (Jim Barta) Reviewed rationale for request to hire an additional faculty in Prof Ed Distance Learning program. Discussed probationary vs fixed term options. 13. Other