DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Name: America M. Ramirez Campus: Mary Harper Middle School Email: america.ramirez@dilleyisd.net Room #: 15 th Grade:6 Subject: MATH Dates: 11/03/14-11/07/14 Unit Title: Unit 4: Understanding Proportions Unit Plans are due to your campus principal’s office every Friday by 4:00 PM or every Monday before 8:00 AM. Attach unit test or a description of the summative assessments you will use for all objectives. Objectives/Outcomes (what will students know, be able to do, or TEKS Alignment: produce by end of unit): Strive for a balance on Bloom’s Taxonomy. 6.1A,B,C,D,E,F,G: Process Standards Students will learn about: 6.4 Proportionality Represent ratios with concrete models 6.4 B Write Ratios and find equivalent ratios 6.4 C Give examples of ratios as multiplicative comparisons of two quantities describing the same attribute. Use rates and unit rates to compare quantities 6.4 D Give examples of rates as the comparison by division of two Apply qualitative and quantitative reasoning to quantities having different attributes, including rates as quotients. solve prediction & comparisons of real-world 6.4 E Represent ratios & percent’s with concrete models, fractions, problems involving ratios & rates. & decimals Materials/Resources : (Print, technology, people, equipment, etc.) Go Math Online, INB’s, Ignite Special Accommodation: (LEP, ESL, GT, RESOURCE, 504) One on one instruction while student is doing class work. Whole class discussion of how to follow the rules. Visuals, extended time to complete work, organizers, and respond orally. Vocabulary: colon, denominator, divide, fraction, multiply, numerator, product, quantity, quotient, term, rate, ratio, unite rate, equivalent ratios. Examples of Student Activities: TECHNOLOGY TEKS Alignment: STAAR: Subject Grade Categories Reading Writing 6 2 Math Science Social Studies DAVE Lesson:(or other character education connection) October Character Month: DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Daily Activities Week 1 Monday – November 3 Math – Notes on Unit Rate; Guided Practice; Homework Math Strip – Day 1 Math Mini – Mini #10 Intervention/D.E.A.R. – Channel One; Reading Time : The Face On The Milk Carton Tuesday – November 4 Math – Applying both Ratio and Rates Math Strip – Day 2 Math Mini – Mini #10 Intervention/D.E.A.R. – Channel One; Math Intervention Wednesday – November 5 Math – Are You Ready to move on? Math Strip – Day 3 Math Mini – Mini #10 Intervention/D.E.A.R. – Channel One; Math Intervention Thursday – November 6 Math – Quiz on Module 7; Vocabulary Preview Math Strip – Day 4 Math Mini – Mini # Intervention/D.E.A.R. – Channel One; Math Intervention Friday – October 17 Math – Vocabulary Quiz 5; Math Strip – Day 5 Math Mini – Mini # Intervention/D.E.A.R. – Channel One, Reading Time Assessments (Describe/Attach): DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT