(Glue into your Spanish notebook) Señora Lee’s Class Procedures and Rules When you enter the classroom: Come in quietly and on time. Find your assigned seat. Take out your notebook and pencil. Begin the warm-up activity (“Caliente Su Mente.”) Work quietly. What if you are hungry or thirsty? No food, drink or gum allowed. You may have a water bottle. What about restroom breaks? When you need to turn in work: Write your name, date and class period in the upper right hand corner of your paper. Place paper in the correct tray according to class. Appropriate times to go to the restroom are before homeroom, during lunch and after school. Or, go quickly during class change. Let me know if you have an emergency. How are you graded? What if you are absent? Get extra copies of handouts from me or print them online. You will have 5 school days to complete all make-up work. After 5 days, the incomplete work will be recorded as a “0”. What if you forget to do your homework? It will be recorded as a zero. At the end of class: Stay seated until dismissed. Turn classwork in to the correct basket. Make sure your area is orderly and all materials have been returned to their proper place. There will be quizzes and tests to measure your progress in reaching each learning target. Some quizzes will be unannounced. Study daily. You will have regular online homework assignments. There will be regular notebook checks. You will have a unit test at the end of each quarter. Grading Scale: A: 93-100 B: 85-92 C: 77-84 D: 70-76 F: Below 70 What are the behavior expectations and consequences? Be respectful. Be responsible. Be prepared. Be attentive. Be engaged. 1st - Verbal warning 2nd - Lunch detention 3rd- After school detention 4th - Office Referral What materials will you need? One composition notebook to be used all year Pencils, erasers, hand-held sharpener Dry erase marker and eraser (or sock) Colored pencils or markers, high-lighter Glue stick Bring materials daily! How do I get help in Spanish class? During teacher instruction: Stay seated. Raise your hand to comment or ask questions. No talking unless you are called on. I am here to help you succeed - Talk to me! Make an appointment with me for extra help before school (7:30-7:45). The best advice for success in this class is to listen, participate, take notes, ask questions, stay organized, complete assignments, and practice DAILY with Quizlet. Also, be prepared to make mistakes, learn from them and have fun! Just do your best! What are your consequences for misbehaving? During cooperative group work: Talk only with your group members. Talking should be at a low level. Stay on task. Verbal warnings, lunch detention, after school detention, teacher/student conferences, phone calls/emails home and office referrals.