CONSEQEUNCES: Any behavior that interferes with classroom instruction or any action unworthy of the classroom will result warning, lunch detention, phone call home, and/or office referral 7th gr. Social StudiesMrs. Compton REWARDS: Sit With a Friend Pass Viking Quest Bragging phone call/email to parents GRADING CATEGORIES: Warm-up/Participation 10% Classwork 25% Quizzes 25% Tests/Projects 35% District Benchmark 5% Follow me on MrsCompton7 GRADING SCALE: 93-100 85-92 77-84 70-76 0-69 Keri Compton Room 504 (864) 260-5135 A B C D F Life Up, Be Positive, and Expect the Best! Scan the QR code below on your Smartphone or tablet to access the class website and view the homework calendar. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: COURSE OVERVIEW: Arrival: Students will immediately be seated and quietly complete the warm-up activity. Tests: Students who score a C or lower on a test may make corrections for half credit. I encourage students who make a D/F to retake the test at lunch if a parent signs the original test. 1st 9 weeks- European Colonization, The Age of Reason Leaving the Room: Students will not be excused to go to their lockers during class. Students should use the restroom during the provided times. Emergency passes will be written in student agenda and students must sign-out and sign-in. 3rd 9 weeks- Imperialism, WWI and Great Depression, WWII and Rise of Dictators Homework Assignments: Students should copy the week’s assignments into their agendas on Monday. Homework can be expected Mon-Thurs which should take approx. 15 minutes to complete. Missing work/Makeup work: Missing homework will result in lunch detention. I will accept late work; however it may be docked up to 10% per day. It is always best to turn in work late rather than not turn it in at all! Students will have the same number of days as days absent to turn in the work with no penalty. Lockers: Students may go to their lockers during AM homeroom, lunch, and end of day. It is important that students use their school-issued lock. to 2nd 9 weeks- French and Latin American Revolutions, Industrial Revolution 4th 9 weeks- Cold War, End of Imperialism, Modern World Bring Your Own Technology: For some activities, students will be allowed to use their own cell phones/iPods/tablets. School acceptable use policies apply. Students may only use their devices at specified times. MATERIALS: In addition to the general 7th grade supplies needed everyday, students will need a composition notebook for each 9 weeks. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: CLASSROOM RIGHTS: Interactive Notebook: Extra Credit: If students finish assigned work early, they may choose an Early Finisher activity. These will be graded and count as extra credit each 9 wks. Everyone has the right to attend class in a positive, safe environment that is free from interference. ork CLASSROOM LIMITS: No one has the right to injure themselves or others, damage materials, discriminate, impose on others, or interfere with others.