10/18/2013 Meeting

Professional Education BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee & Advisory Board Meeting
October 18, 2013, 12:00 – 3:00 pm (Kemper Hall 102)
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Paul Ajuwon, Chris Craig, Thomas Dicke, Karen Engler, Catherine English, Brenda Goodwin, Fred Groves, Steve
Hinch, Andrew Homburg, Kurt Killion, Carol Maples, Gayle Runke, Gigi Saunders, Tonia Tinsley, and Rebecca
Craig, Carson (Ozark), Donita Cox (Central), Jessica Jordan (Hillcrest), Beth McIntyre (Central), Chris Mostyn
(Hickory Hills), Nancy Schneider (SPS Curriculum), Vicky Scott (SPS Vocal Music), and Cyndy Zind (Seymour
a. Welcome and Introductions – Tonia Tinsley
b. Diversity Initiatives – Chris Craig
A handout was provided on MSU’s recent diversity initiatives and activities. The Board of Governors
meeting is today at 1:00 and the discussion is diversity. Diversity is one of the top 8 goals of the
university. Better documentation of diversity experiences is being made. On October 27th the NCATE
BOE Team will be here to do a focus visit on our diversity in education. Any board member who feels
confident with our work with our students and wants to participate with any of our meetings with the
BOE Team to strengthen our representation of secondary education was invited to attend.
c. Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (MEGA) – Tonia Tinsley
A handout was provided and discussed.
Advisory Board Meeting
Committee members dispersed into groups with the Advisory Board members. The following questions were
1. How does your district/school define diversity?
In some of the smaller schools there are only a few diverse students. They face issues of
racism in the classroom and many kids do not know children of another race. Some schools
feel that too much focus is placed on the color of skin and not the diversities of culture,
language, religion, and the diversity needs in a special needs classroom. They feel it is so
much more than color.
2. What kinds of support services/outreach does your district/school have in place to meet
the needs of diverse learners?
Workshops, diversity training, home influence, and Library selections addressed. One school
which has 30 countries represented has a strong gay/straight alliance, and a coming out day.
Schools have principal meetings addressing diversity issues, many cultural diversity groups,
and one school has a coordinator sight intervention.
3. DESE is changing the certification process and requirements for Beginning Teachers.
These changes will obviously affect Student Teaching and your future colleagues in the
long run. What measures is your school/district taking to prepare for these changes?
Teacher work samples will change and the high cost was discussed. Others stated how
cumbersome and involved and are worried that teachers will not want to take on student
teachers in the future. There will be one clinical site where all student teachers will have to
log so many hours at that clinical site.
Whole Group Discussion and Focus for the Future:
Most of the teachers who work with diverse students say they are built up by it. One of the
schools has a food pantry and the families can go in and shop for food. They have a clothing
bank they call The Loft where kids can get clothing. Some schools have breakfast in the
classroom. One of the schools the kids earn buzz bucks for good behavior and they can go
shop at the store in the school.
BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee Meeting
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the Missouri State University BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee convened at 1:00
pm after the Advisory Board Meeting. Chair Dr. Tonia Tinsley presiding, and Cindy Caddy, secretary.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 20, 2013 meeting. Motion carried.
Announcements & Updates
a. Secondary Education Update
Rebecca Woodard, Director of Secondary Education Reported.
i. September CBASE and PRAXIS scores are in and have been posted.
ii. E-mail conditional override requests to Dr. Woodard.
iii. Many faculty have asked about core education courses and how they are working. It was
suggested this be brought up at the next committee meeting for discussion.
b. PEC Chair Update
Brenda Goodwin, Chair Reported.
i. A charge had been given to the Exceptions and Compliance Committee to come up with a
proposal to come up with a fair way to address the CBASE changeover to MoGEA for
students. A handout of the proposal that was presented to the PEC was distributed and
discussed. November 23rd is the final CBASE test.
ii. Catalog Revision – This incorporates all the changes from DESE. A handout of the proposal
was distributed and discussed. Faculty were asked to take it back to their departments for
discussions so that it may be addressed in the November meeting. The changes need to be
ready by July to be in the Fall Catalog.
iii. Assessments Required for Teacher Education Programs – A handout was distributed for
information from the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (required assessments for
Teacher Education Programs). A discussion ensued.
iv. NCATE/CAEP visit meetings have all been scheduled.
Old Business
a. Standard Base Performance Test is in development.
New Business
a. No new business.
Adjournment at 2:36 pm