April 16, 2015

We, the Inter-fraternity Council, exist
to promote the shared interests and
values of our member fraternities:
leadership, service, brotherhood, and
scholarship. We believe in Fraternity
and that the shared values of
Fraternity drive the IFC to create
better communities, better chapters,
and better men. We work to advance
the academic mission of Missouri
State University,
Inter-Fraternity Council
General Council
July 1, 2016
to enable fraternal organizations to
grow and thrive through collaboration
and teamwork, to provide an outlet for
self-governance and accountability,
and to model and teach ethical
leadership. In a spirit of mutual
support and betterment, we, the men
of the Inter-fraternity Council, pledge
to elevate the Ritual and the values of
the member organizations.
President (Zane Clark - Zane555@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Attendance by-law to be voted on
VP of Community Relations (Zack Sutter - Sutter488@live.missouristate.edu ):
 FSL Night at the Ballpark will be April 26th at 2pm. Tickets are $5 and you sign up through
your chapters.
 Nelly concert got cancelled, if you paid in cash, go back to the ticket booth to get
reimbursed. If you paid with a credit card, it will automatically be refunded.
 SGA – Public Affairs week
 Phi Sig installed 57 new members
 NPHC will have a stroll-off on May 1st
VP of Membership Development (Brandon Simpson - bs1860@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Starting to rewrite the awards packet
VP of Recruitment (Cody Applegarth - Applegarth15@live.missouristate.edu ):\
 Roundtable next Tuesday at 7pm in PSU
VP of Academics (Chris Satariano - Satariano0828@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Donuts for the Dean’s List April 27th and 28th from 9am – 12pm
o Located outside Glass Hall and the PSU
o Tickets for Dean’s List students will be placed in chapter mailboxes by the end of
next week.
 Teacher Appreciation – please send me nominations of teachers/faculty members who you
would like to recognize. We will be getting them a little gift and thank you.
 Free Qdoba coupons for those who received a 4.0 last semester.
VP of Administration (David Everman – Everman127@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Yesterday was the deadline for paying IFC dues for a 5% discount. I will be sending out
reminder emails to chapters who haven’t paid dues yet.
Director of Social Awareness (James DeGreif - James2323@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Still have two chapters that need to meet with me to hold any socials this semester
 Chapters also need to get in there Crisis Management surveys
 For chapters that have a crisis management plan, you also need to submit a copy
o Chapter NEED to be sending two representatives to each general council
o Next General Council will April 21, 2015 at 7pm.
Co-Sponsoring With SAC
Denise Evans (April 22ND) (He said, She said), It Happened Here (April 22nd) = event will be
combined as one, Sushi Rolling (Limited to 50 people) (April 28th)
 Not Alone: Students Fighting Stigma, May 4th in Temple 003 at 7pm
 Bake Sale the week of April 20th and will run through the end of April
 Understanding the Difference, April 28th in Temple 001 at 7pm
Director of New Member Education (Justin Roux - Justin0718@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Fall New Member Day scheduled for September 20th
 Spring New Member day this Sunday at 1-3pm
 Upcoming Roundtable
o Sending out a doodle to find out which day works best, goal is 100% attendance
Director of Marketing (Francis Ahrens - Ahrens3733@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Gathering info. on booklet. Need financial info. as well. Need 1 large group photo, and any
other photos of chapters. No women allowed in photos. Need these ASAP. If I don’t receive
this info and pictures then your chapter will not be in the booklet.
 Email it out to fsloutreach@yahoo.com
Chief Justice (Cody Stout - Cody915@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Next fall educational event before New Member Day
 We will be scheduling a roundtable for IFC standards board members for April 21st at 8pm.
Room PSU 317A
o Speaker will be a lawyer
Associate Chief Justice (Darren Wallace - Wallace1414@live.missouristate.edu ):
IFC Advisor (Terry Weber –TerryWeber@MissouriState.edu)
Old Business:
 Vote on recruitment by-law = PASSED
o friendly amendment to change wording to fraternity and sorority life instead of
o friendly amendment that instead of only VP recruitment approving videos that the
whole board approves the videos
 attendance by-law = PASSED
New Business:
Propose Greek Week dates: April 10th – 16th = by-laws suspended to vote on. Dates passed.
 Emily Simmons came to talk about Order of Omega – Apps due April 24th at 4pm in OSE
 Sigma Epsilon annual Greek tug. 30 dollars a team. Sign up at Delta Zeta house by April 23rd.
 Sigma Pi dog days April 21st on north mall. Proceeds go to no kill shelter.
Sigma Chi hosting philanthropy event at incredible pizza tonight from 5-8, say you’re with sigma
TKE is cancelling bubble soccer tournament this semester, planning it for next semester.
Xi Om is having flag football tourney this Saturday from 1-6pm. 60 dollars a team and 6 people a
SGA cabinet applications are open. Can pick up an application from the SGA office. Due April 24th