March 19, 2015

We, the Inter-fraternity Council, exist
to promote the shared interests and
values of our member fraternities:
leadership, service, brotherhood, and
scholarship. We believe in Fraternity
and that the shared values of
Fraternity drive the IFC to create
better communities, better chapters,
and better men. We work to advance
the academic mission of Missouri
State University,
Inter-Fraternity Council
General Council
July 1, 2016
to enable fraternal organizations to
grow and thrive through collaboration
and teamwork, to provide an outlet for
self-governance and accountability,
and to model and teach ethical
leadership. In a spirit of mutual
support and betterment, we, the men
of the Inter-fraternity Council, pledge
to elevate the Ritual and the values of
the member organizations.
President (Zane Clark - ):
 Should we allow excused absences with enough early notice?
 How many? How early?
VP of Community Relations (Zack Sutter - ):
 We had a liaison who can attend the meetings, his position was for the traditions council
so if you applied and did not receive a call you might get one soon.
 Looking into plans for an FSL “yard sale” for philanthropy more to come later about that.
 Traditions council- waiting for response because liaison position needs to be filled.
 SGA- Matt Stauder might not have gone this week there is an application process.
 Phi sigma Upsilon- Chris Strange ask him for his report.
o Adopted Grant St. from JFK to Stadium
 FSLSA- Caleb Hitsman and Joe Murphy ask them for their report.
o Having a diversity event coming in April
VP of Membership Development (Brandon Simpson - ):
 Haley and I plan on holding two roundtables. One this semester and one next semester in
order to talk about the awards process and what can be improved on during this time
period. We will ask for those who have applied for the previous awards to attend this
roundtable this semester and then the representatives who will be filling out awards for
the next school year will attend the fall round table.
VP of Recruitment (Cody Applegarth - ):
VP of Academics (Chris Satariano - ):
 Good luck to those still taking midterms.
 Donuts for Deans List - Be on the lookout for details in the coming weeks.
 Keynote Speak - Tim Mousseau from Campus Speak will be coming to campus next
semester to talk about building successful scholarship programs.
VP of Administration (David Everman – ):
 I sent out chapter dues for this semester to each chapters President. If you have any
questions about the invoice please email me or call me 636-377-3551.
 There has been interest in having an online version of the agenda. I have created a drop
box with both the agenda and past minutes. I will get the link sent out soon.
Director of Social Awareness (James DeGreif - ):
 KA and Alpha Gamma Rho need to meet with me to hold any socials this semester
 Chapters need to turn in Crisis Management surveys that were handout at the roundtable
 FSLSA - Chapter NEED to be sending two representatives to each general council
 Co-Sponsoring With SAC
o Candice Delong, Sushi Rolling (Limited to 50 people), Kelsey Timmerman (April 7th),
Denice Evans (April 22nd or 23rd)
 Mental Health Awareness
o Student Panel- looking for speakers on May 4th. Co-sponsoring with NAMI on
Campus and possibly Advocates
 Sexual Assault
o Working on a video
o Looking at doing a Bake Sale and having people get discounts if they write a letter
to survivors
o Looking at co-sponsoring the SAC film on April 22nd, It Happened Here
 Diversity
o Panel/ Speakers on April 28th in Temple 001 at 7pm. Speakers will address
International Relations, Sexual Orientation, and Race
 Events - looking at doing a service event this semester at a local soup kitchen to educate
the community about poverty and the effects that it has on children
Director of New Member Education (Justin Roux - ):
 Spring New Member Day applications are in the OSE now, due April 6th
 Meetings - Still need a response from Phi Delt for one on one and a response from TKE.
 Phi Sig VP of Recruitment is going to New Member Meetings to talk about Phi Sig. Those
applications out now, due March 30th
Director of Marketing (Francis Ahrens - ):
Chief Justice (Cody Stout - ):
 Standard Board - We will be scheduling a roundtable for IFC standards board members in
late April. Email with details will be sent out next week!
 Joint Roundtable went great, thank you to all chapters that had a representative.
 Darren and I will begin discussion on an educational event held in the fall for new members
Associate Chief Justice (Darren Wallace - ):
IFC Advisor (Terry Weber –
 Talked about and discussed the SAE incident at Oklahoma.
o A large discussion about issues of racism and such that occur on Missouri State
University and how we can solve some of these issues.
Old Business:
New Business:
 Looking to set up a plan where we use the same recruitment T-shirt every year. So we
aren’t requiring everyone to buy one. Want to vote next week that 60% of each chapter
buys a shirt. T-shirt will be $9.
 Bring up to vote next week that $1 per member will go to FSLSA. Just an increase of dues
by $1 per person. It will be $16 per member total for chapters and $9 per member for
colonies. This will only be a year.
 Welcomed Delta Sigma Phi to their first IFC meeting.
o Having annual fish fry
o 4-6 March 20
 Lambda Chi
o Next Tuesday
o Philanthropy Event
o Insomnia Cookies
 Greek Week
o 5-3 Today
o Qdoba Philanthropy