February 19, 2015

We, the Inter-fraternity Council, exist
to promote the shared interests and
values of our member fraternities:
leadership, service, brotherhood, and
scholarship. We believe in Fraternity
and that the shared values of
Fraternity drive the IFC to create
better communities, better chapters,
and better men. We work to advance
the academic mission of Missouri
State University,
Inter-Fraternity Council
General Council
July 1, 2016
to enable fraternal organizations to
grow and thrive through collaboration
and teamwork, to provide an outlet for
self-governance and accountability,
and to model and teach ethical
leadership. In a spirit of mutual
support and betterment, we, the men
of the Inter-fraternity Council, pledge
to elevate the Ritual and the values of
the member organizations.
President (Zane Clark - Zane555@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Google Document Form has to be completed by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow (2/20) by the
 Attending an Excel meeting tonight with Dean Jungers and major presidents
o More to come next report regarding the meeting
VP of Community Relations (Zack Sutter - Sutter488@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Finalizing liaison positions this week I had a grand total of 5 applicants. 3 of 5 liaison
positions have been filled. Next week we are going to have those liaison reports.
 If I am not able to get in contact with the applicants I might send out another round of
VP of Membership Development (Brandon Simpson - bs1860@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Due to weather, FSL awards have been rescheduled for this upcoming Tuesday and
Wednesday. Same times as before, but different rooms.
o Same time unless notified by Brandon or Hailey
 These presentations tomorrow will still occur at the same room. If you are tomorrow, have
your applicant send me the presentation via email for the presentations.
VP of Recruitment (Cody Applegarth - Applegarth15@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Cancel the Recruitment Roundtable per Weather
o Rescheduled for Next Tuesday (2/24) at 5:30 p.m. PSU 315 A & B
VP of Academics (Chris Satariano - Satariano0828@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Academic Roundtable was held last Thursday.
o If your chapter didn’t make it, I will be in contact with you to set up a time to meet.
 February is Month of the Scholar, there will be giveaways for students studying and
wearing their letters around campus so encourage members to do so.
o Candy, Gift Cards, etc. will be handed out as incentive for the library
 Student Spotlight will recognize those individuals exceling in academics.
o Please send me your chapter’s nominations. This is a great way to represent your
chapter and its members.
 Academic Restriction/Probation
o I sent out letters notifying every chapter President and Scholarship chair to inform
them of their sanctions based on their scholastic standing.
Career Expo 2015 will be Tuesday February 24, from 1-5 pm at JQH.
o 100+ employers from all industries looking to fill internships and full-time positions.
Looking to have Tim Mousseau from Campus Speak come to campus next semester to talk
about building successful scholarship programs.
VP of Administration (David Everman – Everman127@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Due to school being canceled most of this week, we have not discussed the budget so we
will have to approve it next week in General Council.
 Budget will be discussed in Exec next week and brought up for discussion in next IFC
General Council
Director of Social Awareness (James DeGreif - James2323@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Roundtable will be Monday, February 23rd, in PSU 312 at 6pm
o Mandatory for all risk management and social chairs
o If risk management and social chairs don’t attend, no socials for this semester. If
they cannot attend they will need to set up a meeting with myself and Katie
 FSLSA will be having General Council this Tuesday, February 24th at 8:30pm in PSU 313
o Make sure to me sending the same representatives to each general council
 Voting on By-Law Change in Old Business
Director of New Member Education (Justin Roux - Justin0718@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Spring New Member day set April 19th from 1-3
 Still having 1 on 1s meetings this week
 Phi Sig VP of Recruitment is going to New Member Meetings to talk about Phi Sig
o Applications Coming out Soon for Phi Sig
Director of Marketing (Francis Ahrens - Ahrens3733@live.missouristate.edu ):
 FSL Newsletter, design is complete
o mostatefsl.wordpress.com
o In Beta Currently, will be set in upcoming week(s)
 NEWSLETTERS NEED TO BE SENT TO YAHOO ACCOUNT; please include who authored the
newsletter: fsloutreach@yahoo.com
 Working on FSL Blog
o If you have individual articles you or someone in your chapter want to write up (i.e.
opinion pieces, how to, advice column) email to: fsloutreach@yahoo.com
 Social Media – If you have events that you want tweeted out or on the IFC Facebook page,
direct message either account
Chief Justice (Cody Stout – Cody915@live.missouristate.edu ):
 Standard Board Training – February 24th, at 9pm in PSU 308 A+B.
 Joint roundtable Will be rescheduled for March 3rd at 9pm, room is tba.
 If a chapter fails to provide a rep on Standards Board they will not have a say in matters
Associate Chief Justice (Darren Wallace – Wallace1414@live.missouristate.edu ):
IFC Advisor (Terry Weber –TerryWeber@MissouriState.edu)
Old Business:
 By-Law Proposal for Finances
o $1 per member of IFCs dues will be to plan events
o Motioned to Table to Next Week (Until Budget is Solidified)
New Business:
TKEs Philanthropy at Sky Zone Monday (2/23) 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
o Proceeds to St. Judes
o Pay at Door