March 26, 2015

We, the Inter-fraternity Council, exist
to promote the shared interests and
values of our member fraternities:
leadership, service, brotherhood, and
scholarship. We believe in Fraternity
and that the shared values of
Fraternity drive the IFC to create
better communities, better chapters,
and better men. We work to advance
the academic mission of Missouri
State University,
Inter-Fraternity Council
General Council
July 1, 2016
to enable fraternal organizations to
grow and thrive through collaboration
and teamwork, to provide an outlet for
self-governance and accountability,
and to model and teach ethical
leadership. In a spirit of mutual
support and betterment, we, the men
of the Inter-fraternity Council, pledge
to elevate the Ritual and the values of
the member organizations.
President (Zane Clark - ):
 Attendance Bylaw will be completed and written up for next week AFTER Greek Week
 Attendance bylaw where exec members do not have to come – Chapters require to send
the same reps for the same semester
 Miniature leadership lesson every week
VP of Community Relations (Zack Sutter - ):
 FSL cardinal’s game was pretty successful last year around 200 in attendance.
 We are in the process of planning the event. Potential date of April 26.
 Meetings
o SGA-April is Sexual assault awareness month so be looking online for the different
events through the month.
o FSLSA- James will report on FSLSA
o Traditions council- 9 open positions for next year’s executive board can find
applications on campus link they are due by March 30th.
 Friday AKL is hosting an educational event at 6 pm in the PSU Theater. The educational
event will cover hosting parties at lofts downtown.
VP of Membership Development (Brandon Simpson - ):
VP of Recruitment (Cody Applegarth - ):
VP of Academics (Chris Satariano - ):
 Planning on another roundtable before the semester ends. Date to come later.
 Donuts for Dean’s List be on the lookout for dates and details in the coming weeks.
 Tim Mousseau from Campus Speak will be coming to campus next semester to talk about
building successful scholarship programs.
 Let me know if there is anything you’d like to see done for scholarship / academics.
 Career Center always has peer advisors available to assist students with resumes and cover
letters. They have walk-in hours throughout the week.
VP of Administration (David Everman – ):
 An academic calendar on dropbox will be coming out later next week.
 I sent out IFC dues so please stay on top of that. Let me know if you have questions.
Director of Social Awareness (James DeGreif - ):
 Roundtable - still have two chapters that need to meet with me to hold any socials this
semester: Kappa Alpha and Alpha Gamma Rho
o Chapters also need to get in there Crisis Management surveys that were handout at
the roundtable
o For chapters that have a crisis management plan, you also need to submit a copy
 FSLSA - chapters NEED to be sending two representatives to each general council
 Co-Sponsoring With SAC
o Candice Delong (March 30th), Sushi Rolling (Limited to 50 people) (April 28th), Kelsey
Timmerman (April 7th), Denise Evans (April 22nd)(He said She said)
 Mental Health Awareness
o Student Panel- looking for speakers on May 4th
 Sexual Assault video
 Bake Sale and having people get discounts if they write a letter to survivors
 Looking at co-sponsoring the SAC film on April 22nd, It Happened Here
 Diversity
o Panel/ Speakers on April 28th Temple 001 at 7pm. Speakers will address
International Relations, Sexual Orientation, and Race
 Planning a service event this semester at a local soup kitchen to educate the community
about poverty and the effects that it has on children
 Next general council, we will have a discussion on whether or not we will create a
Tailgating Policy. Take this back to your chapters and we will discuss it in two weeks.
Director of New Member Education (Justin Roux - ):
 Spreadsheet of what categories each New Member plan met
o Finding resources to help chapters who were lacking in certain areas
o Working on developing New Member Program template for chapters
o Developing New Member Day presentations
 Spring New Member Day applications due April 6th and Phi Sig applications due March 30th
Director of Marketing (Francis Ahrens - ):
Chief Justice (Cody Stout - ):
 Scheduling a roundtable for IFC standards board members for April 21st at 8pm in 317A.
These guys are ones who sent in applications, and I have them on file. Room TBA
Associate Chief Justice (Darren Wallace - ):
 Bylaws are in the process of being updated.
 A lawyer is coming to answer questions and discuss issues that we have as a community
 Remind your standard reps to come to the roundtable
IFC Advisor (Terry Weber –
Old Business:
Vote on each chapter buying 60% of their chapter for all fsl shirts – Passed
Bylaw to put 1 dollar per member from each chapter toward FSLSA. Friendly Amendment: Take
the money from surplus and put toward FSLSA – Passed
New Business:
Proactive action toward issues in FSL community related to race discussion:
 Broadcast that we are willing to take everyone
 Attending more NPHC events – inviting NPHC to our own events
 Why are NPHC and IFC different councils? Different identities and different goals/purposes
to help grow individuals. NPHC wants to bring likeminded people together. IFC fraternities
tend to be extroverted. NPHC uses values to have individuals seek them out. Find ways to
program events to mesh councils together.
 One chapter went over code of conduct and think they are doing well. Identified areas of
deficiency = accountability of each other.
 Highlight diversity within individual chapters = have anonymous questionnaires to each
chapter to ask how diversity strengthens chapter.
 Projects such as individual’s photography project where he shows diversity within
 Ways to get more diversity out to recruitment and showing them that we are accepting
Temple/Caito came to speak about their campaign at meeting